node.js - 为什么 MongoDB/Mongoose 查找带有 null 或未定义参数的查询会返回所有文档?

标签 node.js mongodb mongoose nosql

API 使用特定参数从 MongoDB 请求相同的数据。但如果查询参数为空或未定义,我不想返回任何文档。相反,MongoDB 返回所有文档。为什么这是正常的?

await exampleModel.find({}).lean().exec()        // return all docs. That's okay.
await exampleModel.find(null).lean().exec()      // return all docs. That's weird.
await exampleModel.find(undefined).lean().exec() // return all docs. That's weird.


是的,this is normal 。当传递 nullundefined 或根本不传递参数时 (foo.查找())。在任何情况下,filterprojection(第二个参数)都是可选的:

query: Specifies selection filter using query operators. To return all documents in a collection, omit this parameter or pass an empty document ({}).

projection: Specifies the fields to return in the documents that match the query filter. To return all fields in the matching documents, omit this parameter.


const results = query ? await exampleModel.find(query).lean.exec() : []        

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