node.js - 多个 2dsphere 索引,不确定要运行 geoNear 中的哪一个

标签 node.js mongodb mongoose

我正在使用$geoNearnear在 MongoDB 的聚合内部。我已将 MongoDB 数据库托管到 mlabs。并且在我的本地一切正常,但不知道为什么当我部署应用程序时出现以下错误:

"geoNear command failed: { ok: 0.0, errmsg: \"more than one 2dsphere index, not sure which to run geoNear on


     $geoNear: {
         near: { 
            type: "Point",
            coordinates: coordinates
         distanceField: "dist.calculated",
         maxDistance: 80467,
         spherical: true



如错误消息所示,这是因为您有多个 2dsphere 索引,因此 $geoNear 不知道该使用哪一个。


If your collection has multiple 2d and/or multiple 2dsphere indexes, you must use the key option to specify the indexed field path to use. Specify Which Geospatial Index to Use provides a full example.


If there is more than one 2d index or more than one 2dsphere index and you do not specify a key, MongoDB will return an error.


以下是使用 key 参数的示例:

> db.test.insert([
  {_id:0, loc1:{type:'Point',coordinates:[1,1]}, loc2:{type:'Point',coordinates:[2,2]}},
  {_id:1, loc1:{type:'Point',coordinates:[2,2]}, loc2:{type:'Point',coordinates:[1,1]}}

然后我创建两个 2dsphere 索引:

> db.test.createIndex({loc1:'2dsphere'})
> db.test.createIndex({loc2:'2dsphere'})


> db.test.aggregate({$geoNear:{near:{type:'Point',coordinates:[0,0]},distanceField:'d'}})
  "errmsg": "more than one 2dsphere index, not sure which to run geoNear on",

使用 key: loc1 将根据 loc1 索引对结果进行排序(_id: 0 位于 _id: 1):

> db.test.aggregate(
    {$geoNear: {
        near: {type: 'Point',coordinates: [0,0]},
        distanceField: 'd',
        key: 'loc1'}})
{ "_id": 0, "loc1": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 1, 1 ] }, "loc2": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 2, 2 ] }, "d": 157424.6238723255 }
{ "_id": 1, "loc1": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 2, 2 ] }, "loc2": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 1, 1 ] }, "d": 314825.2636028646 }

并且,使用 key: loc2 将根据 loc2 索引对结果进行排序(_id: 1 位于 _id: 0):

> db.test.aggregate(
    {$geoNear: {
        near: {type: 'Point',coordinates: [0,0]},
        distanceField: 'd',
        key: 'loc2'}})
{ "_id": 1, "loc1": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 2, 2 ] }, "loc2": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 1, 1 ] }, "d": 157424.6238723255 }
{ "_id": 0, "loc1": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 1, 1 ] }, "loc2": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 2, 2 ] }, "d": 314825.2636028646 }

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