node.js - 如何获取 Node 中 couchbase 对象的元数据?

标签 node.js metadata couchbase

我对 couchbase 中的用户使用了一个月的 TTL,并在本月内每次看到用户时都使用“touch”更新此 TTL。

例如,我需要检查用户的 TTL,以便在他们变老时执行特殊操作。





来自 couchbase 论坛的回答: :

Unfortunately it is not currently possible to reliably fetch the current TTL of an item. The upcoming Couchbase Server release should be able to fetch this information using a new virtual attribute fetch, but this was not yet available in currently released versions. In the meantime, we do suggest performing a subdocument upsert to update a field within the document with an updated timestamp.

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