mysql - 使用 fetchrow_hashref 存储数据

标签 mysql perl hash

我正在尝试从 MySQL 数据库中获取信息,然后我将在 perl 中对其进行操作:

use strict;
use DBI;

my $dbh_m= DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:Populationdb","root","LisaUni") 
or die("Error: $DBI::errstr");

my $Genotype = 'Genotype'.1;
#The idea here is eventually I will ask the database how many Genotypes there are, and then loop it round to complete the following for each Genotype:

my $sql =qq(SELECT TransNo, gene.Gene FROM gene JOIN genotypegene ON gene.Gene =       genotypegene.Gene WHERE Genotype like '$Genotype');
my $sth = $dbh_m-> prepare($sql);

my %hash;

my $transvalues = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
my %hash= %$transvalues;

$sth ->finish();

my $key;
my $value;

while (($key, $value) = each(%hash)){
 print $key.", ".$value\n; }

此代码不会产生任何错误,但 %hash 仅存储从数据库中取出的最后一行(我从 this website 得到这样写的想法)。如果我输入:

while(my $transvalues = $sth->fetchrow_hashref){
print "Gene: $transvalues->{Gene}\n";
print "Trans: $transvalues->{TransNo}\n";


我还有一个相关的问题:在我的 MySQL 数据库中,该行由例如 'Gene1'(Gene) '4'(TransNo) 组成。一旦我像上面那样从数据库中取出这些数据,TransNo 是否仍然知道它与哪个基因相关联?或者我是否需要为此创建某种哈希结构的哈希?



fetchrow_hashref 将返回 one 行作为 hashref,你应该将它的使用包装在一个循环中,当 fetchrow_hashref 返回 时结束它undef

您似乎在寻找 fetchall_hashref,它将以散列形式为您提供所有返回的行,第一个参数指定要用作键的字段.

$hash_ref = $sth->fetchall_hashref ($key_field);

每一行都将作为内部 hashref 插入到 $hash_ref 中,使用 $key_field 作为键,您可以在 $hash_ref< 中找到该行.


The fetchall_hashref method can be used to fetch all the data to be returned from a prepared and executed statement handle.

It returns a reference to a hash containing a key for each distinct value of the $key_field column that was fetched.

For each key the corresponding value is a reference to a hash containing all the selected columns and their values, as returned by fetchrow_hashref().


关于mysql - 使用 fetchrow_hashref 存储数据,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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