python - 返回 Ajax 的多个项目

标签 python ebay-api

我有这个 python 代码,用于搜索 eBay 以返回搜索字符串的结果。这些代码正确执行并返回我想要的结果,但仅当我使用 print() 函数时。我正在使用 json 将结果解析到 Flask 页面,使用 print() 仅打印到控制台,因此我使用了 return 但它没有给出所有结果,它只返回一项。

如何让代码返回所有结果并将其显示在我的 Flask 页面上?

我是 python 新手,这是我的第一个项目。我之前问过这个问题,并将代码升级到现在的样子,我一直在互联网上寻找解决方案,但我还没有找到任何解决方案。请有人帮助我编写一个代码,该代码将返回从搜索中获得的所有结果。

Link to my previous question that helped me


@app.route('/ebay_page_post', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def ebay_page_post():
    if request.method == 'POST':

        #Get json format of the text sent by Ajax
        search = request.json['search']

            #ebaysdk code starts here
            api = finding(appid='JohnOkek-hybridse-PRD-5c2330105-9bbb62f2', config_file = None)
            api_request = {'keywords':search, 'outputSelector': 'SellerInfo', 'categoryId': '293'}
            response = api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', api_request)
            soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'lxml')

            totalentries = int(soup.find('totalentries').text)
            items = soup.find_all('item')

            # This will be returned
            itemsFound = {}

            # This index will be incremented 
            # each time an item is added
            index = 0

            for item in items:
                cat = item.categoryname.string.lower()
                title = item.title.string.lower().strip()
                price = int(round(float(item.currentprice.string)))
                url = item.viewitemurl.string.lower()
                seller = item.sellerusername.text.lower()
                listingtype = item.listingtype.string.lower()
                condition = item.conditiondisplayname.string.lower()

                print ('____________________________________________________________')

                #return json format of the result for Ajax processing
            #return jsonify(cat + '|' + title + '|' + str(price) + '|' + url + '|' + seller + '|' + listingtype + '|' + condition)

                # Adding the item found in the collection
                # index is the key and the item json is the value
                itemsFound[index] = jsonify(cat + '|' + title + '|' + str(price) + '|' + url + '|' + seller + '|' + listingtype + '|' + condition)

                # Increment the index for the next items key

            for key in itemsFound:
                return itemsFound[key]

        except ConnectionError as e:
            return jsonify(e)


$(document).ready(function() {
            $(".button").click(function() {
                var search = $(".search").val().trim();
                if (search) {
                        type: 'POST',
                        url: "{{url_for('ebay_page_post')}}",
                        data: JSON.stringify({ 'search': search }),
                        contentType: 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
                        dataType: "json",
                        success:function(data) {
                            if (data.indexOf("|") >= 0) {
                                var newData = data.split("|");
                                var category = newData[0];
                                var title = newData[1];
                                var price = newData[2]
                                var url = newData[3];
                                var seller = newData[4];
                                var listingType = newData[5];
                                var condition = newData[6];

                                $("#returned").append(returned(category, title, price, url, seller, listingType, condition));
                            } else {

        function returned(category, title, price, url, seller, listingType, condition) {
            return '<div class="col-lg-6"> ' +
                            '<div class="box">'+
                                '<div class="icon"><i class="ion-ios-heart-outline"></i></div>' +
                                '<h4 class="title">'+title+'</h4>' +
                                '<h5>'+category+'</h5>' +
                                '<small><a href="'+url+'" target="_blank">Go to site</a></small>'+
                                '<div class="description">' +
                                    'Price: <strong>'+price+'</strong>' +
                                    '<p>Seller: <strong>'+seller+'</strong></p>' +
                                    '<p>'+listingType+'</p>' +
                                    '<p>Condition: '+condition+'</p>' +
                                '</div>' +
                            '</div>' +


您的 python 代码仅返回 itemsFound 列表中的第一项,因为这就是您告诉它要做的事情:

 for key in itemsFound:
     return itemsFound[key]


 return itemsFound

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