python - Pandas如何获取行的索引?

标签 python pandas indexing

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import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv('traj2_Binarization.csv', sep=",", index_col="NAME")

for index, row in data.iterrows():
    RUNX3            0
    ROGDI            0
    FSTL3            0
    MOCOS            0
    PDCD7            1
    MYO15A           0
    MYO9B            0
    MAP1LC3A         0
    TBC1D19          0
    ASIC1            0
    RAP1A            0
    ARAP3            0
    IQSEC2           0
    HIVEP3           0

Here, how can I make the results converted to below?

RUNX3 = False
ROGDI = False
FSTL3 = False
MOCOS = False
PDCD7 = True


除了 @jezrael 的回答之外,如果版本低于 3.6:

for index, row in data.iterrows():
    print('%s = %s'%(index,bool(row['whatever is the column'])))


for index, row in data.iterrows():
    print('{0} = {1}'.format(index,bool(row['whatever is the column'])))


for index, row in data.iterrows():
    print(index,'=',bool(row['whatever is the column']))


RUNX3 = False
ROGDI = False
FSTL3 = False
MOCOS = False
PDCD7 = True
MYO15A = False
MYO9B = False
MAP1LC3A = False
TBC1D19 = False
ASIC1 = False
RAP1A = False
ARAP3 = False
IQSEC2 = False
HIVEP3 = False

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