python - 如何将元素列表附加到数据框的单个特征中?

标签 python pandas list loops dataframe

我有两个数据帧,一个 Actor 的 df,其功能是他们所制作的电影的电影标识符号列表。我还有一个电影列表,其中有一个标识符号,如果 Actor 出现在该电影中,该标识符号将显示在 Actor 的列表中。


似乎迭代 Actor 数据帧中的电影列表会减少循环,但我无法保存结果。

这是 Actor 数据框:

print(actors[['primaryName', 'knownForTitles']].head())
         primaryName                           knownForTitles
0     Rowan Atkinson  tt0109831,tt0118689,tt0110357,tt0274166
1        Bill Paxton  tt0112384,tt0117998,tt0264616,tt0090605
2   Juliette Binoche  tt1219827,tt0108394,tt0116209,tt0241303
3   Linda Fiorentino  tt0110308,tt0119654,tt0088680,tt0120655
4  Richard Linklater  tt0243017,tt1065073,tt2209418,tt0405296


print(movies[['tconst', 'primaryTitle']].head())
      tconst                 primaryTitle
0  tt0001604            The Fatal Wedding
1  tt0002467          Romani, the Brigand
2  tt0003037   Fantomas: The Man in Black
3  tt0003593  Across America by Motor Car
4  tt0003830       Detective Craig's Coup

如您所见,movies['tconst'] 标识符显示在 Actor 数据帧的列表中。


def add_cast(movie_df, actor_df):

    results = movie_df.copy()
    length = len(results)

    #create an empty feature 
    results['cast'] = ""

    #iterate through the movie identifiers
    for index, value in results['tconst'].iteritems():
        #create a new dataframe containing all the cast associated with the movie id
        cast = actor_df[actor_df['knownForTitles'].str.contains(value)]

        #check to see if the 'primaryName' list is empty
        if len(list(cast['primaryName'].values)) != 0:
            #set the new movie 'cast' feature equal to a list of the cast names
            results.loc[index]['cast'] = list(cast['primaryName'].values)

        if index % 1000 == 0:
            logging.warning(f'Results location: {index} out of {length}')

        #delete cast df to free up memory
        del cast

    return results

这会生成一些结果,但速度不够快,无法发挥作用。一个观察结果是,通过为 knownForTitles 中具有电影标识符的所有 Actor 创建一个新数据帧,可以将该列表放入电影数据帧的单个特征中。

虽然我尝试循环下面的 Actor 数据帧,但我似乎无法将项目附加到电影数据帧中:

def actors_loop(movie_df, actor_df):

    results = movie_df.copy()
    length = len(actor_df)

    #create an empty feature 
    results['cast'] = ""

    #iterate through all actors
    for index, value in actor_df['knownForTitles'].iteritems():

        #skip empties
        if str(value) == r"\N":
            logging.warning(f'skipping: {index} with a value of {value}')

        #generate a list of movies that this actor has been in
        cinemetography = [x.strip() for x in value.split(',')]

        #iterate through every movie the actor has been in
        for movie in cinemetography:

            #pull out the movie info if it exists
            movie_info = results[results['tconst'] == movie]

            #continue if empty
            if len(movie_info) == 0:

            #set the cast variable equal to the actor name
            results[results['tconst'] == movie]['cast'] = (actor_df['primaryName'].loc[index])

            #delete the df to save space ?maybe
            del movie_info

        if index % 1000 == 0:
            logging.warning(f'Results location: {index} out of {length}')

    return results



我发现了 def actor_loop(movie_df, actor_df) 函数遇到的问题。问题是

结果['tconst'] == movie]['cast'] = (actor_df['primaryName'].loc[index])

正在将值设置为等于结果数据帧的副本。最好使用 df.set_value() 方法或[] 方法。


def actor_tuples(actor_df):
    tuples =[]
    for index, value in actor_df['knownForTitles'].iteritems():

        cinemetography = [x.strip() for x in value.split(',')]
        for movie in cinemetography:
            tuples.append((actor_df['primaryName'].loc[index], movie))
    return tuples


[('Fred Astaire', 'tt0043044'),
 ('Lauren Bacall', 'tt0117057')]


{'tt0000009': 0,
 'tt0000147': 1,
 'tt0000335': 2,
 'tt0000502': 3,
 'tt0000574': 4,
 'tt0000615': 5,
 'tt0000630': 6,
 'tt0000675': 7,
 'tt0000676': 8,
 'tt0000679': 9}

然后,我使用下面的函数迭代 Actor 元组,并使用电影标识符作为电影字典中的键,这返回了正确的电影索引,我用它来将 Actor 名称元组添加到目标数据帧:

def add_cast(movie_df, Atuples, Mtuples):
    results_df = movie_df.copy()
    results_df['cast'] = ''
    counter = 0
    total = len(Atuples)

    for tup in Atuples:
        #this passes the movie ID into the movie_dict that will return an index
            movie_index = Mtuples[tup[1]]
            if[movie_index, 'cast'] == '':
      [movie_index, 'cast'] += tup[0]
      [movie_index, 'cast'] += ',' + tup[0]
        except KeyError:

        counter +=1
        if counter % 1000000 == 0:
            logging.warning(f'Index {counter} out of {total}, {counter/total}% finished')

    return results_df

它在 10 分钟内运行了 1650 万个 actor 元组(制作 2 组元组,然后是添加函数)。结果如下:

0  tt0000009                     Miss Jerry      1894                 Romance   
1  tt0000147  The Corbett-Fitzsimmons Fight      1897  Documentary,News,Sport   
2  tt0000335          Soldiers of the Cross      1900         Biography,Drama   
3  tt0000502                       Bohemios      1905                      \N   
4  tt0000574    The Story of the Kelly Gang      1906   Biography,Crime,Drama   

0  Blanche Bayliss,Alexander Black,William Courte...  
1  Bob Fitzsimmons,Enoch J. Rector,John L. Sulliv...  
2  Herbert Booth,Joseph Perry,Orrie Perry,Reg Per...  
3  Antonio del Pozo,El Mochuelo,Guillermo Perrín,...  
4  Bella Cola,Sam Crewes,W.A. Gibson,Millard John...  


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