python - 如何解决 "Invalid use of Function(<built-in function abs>)"

标签 python python-3.x numba


numba.errors.TypingError: Failed in nopython mode pipeline (step: nopython frontend)
Invalid use of Function(<built-in function abs>) with argument(s) of type(s): (array(float64, 1d, C))

@jit(nopython = True)
def gravity_calculator(x, y, h, dx, dy, p):
    calculated_gravity = np.array([])
    for i in range(len(x)):
        cal = 0
        for j in range(len(x)):
            x1 = abs((x[j] - x[i])+0.000001)
            x2 = x1 + dx
            y1 = abs((y[j]-y[i])+0.000001)
            y2 = y1 + dy
            t1 = np.log((y2 + np.sqrt((x2 ** 2) + (y2 ** 2))) / (y2 + np.sqrt((x2 ** 2) + (y2 ** 2) + (h[j] ** 2))))
            t2 = np.log((y1 + np.sqrt((x2 ** 2) + (y1 ** 2))) / (y1 + np.sqrt((x2 ** 2) + (y1 ** 2) + (h[j] ** 2))))
            t3 = np.log((y2 + np.sqrt((x1 ** 2) + (y2 ** 2))) / (y2 + np.sqrt((x1 ** 2) + (y2 ** 2) + (h[j] ** 2))))
            t4 = np.log((y1 + np.sqrt((x1 ** 2) + (y1 ** 2))) / (y1 + np.sqrt((x1 ** 2) + (y1 ** 2) + (h[j] ** 2))))
            t5 = np.log((x2 + np.sqrt((x2 ** 2) + (y2 ** 2))) / (x2 + np.sqrt((x2 ** 2) + (y2 ** 2) + (h[j] ** 2))))
            t6 = np.log((x1 + np.sqrt((x1 ** 2) + (y2 ** 2))) / (x1 + np.sqrt((x1 ** 2) + (y2 ** 2) + (h[j] ** 2))))
            t7 = np.log((x2 + np.sqrt((x2 ** 2) + (y1 ** 2))) / (x2 + np.sqrt((x2 ** 2) + (y1 ** 2) + (h[j] ** 2))))
            t8 = np.log((x1 + np.sqrt((x1 ** 2) + (y1 ** 2))) / (x1 + np.sqrt((x1 ** 2) + (y1 ** 2) + (h[j] ** 2))))
            t9 = np.arcsin(((y2 ** 2) + (h[j] ** 2) + y2 * np.sqrt((x2 ** 2) + (y2 ** 2) + (h[j] ** 2))) / (
                        (y2 + np.sqrt((x2 ** 2) + (y2 ** 2) + (h[j] ** 2))) * np.sqrt((y2 ** 2) + (h[j] ** 2))))
            t10 = np.arcsin(((y2 ** 2) + (h[j] ** 2) + y2 * np.sqrt((x1 ** 2) + (y2 ** 2) + (h[j] ** 2))) / (
                        (y2 + np.sqrt((x1 ** 2) + (y2 ** 2) + (h[j] ** 2))) * np.sqrt((y2 ** 2) + (h[j] ** 2))))
            t11 = np.arcsin(((y1 ** 2) + (h[j] ** 2) + y1 * np.sqrt((x2 ** 2) + (y1 ** 2) + (h[j] ** 2))) / (
                        (y1 + np.sqrt((x2 ** 2) + (y2 ** 2) + (h[j] ** 2))) * np.sqrt((y1 ** 2) + (h[j] ** 2))))
            t12 = np.arcsin(((y1 ** 2) + (h[j] ** 2) + y1 * np.sqrt((x1 ** 2) + (y1 ** 2) + (h[j] ** 2))) / (
                        (y1 + np.sqrt((x1 ** 2) + (y1 ** 2) + (h[j] ** 2))) * np.sqrt((y1 ** 2) + (h[j] ** 2))))
            G = (x2 * (t1 - t2) - x1 * (t3 - t4) + y2 * (t5 - t6) - y1 * (t7 - t8) + h[j] * (t9 - t10 - t11 + t12))
            cal = cal +(p * G)
        calc = cal * 0.00667
    return calculated_gravity

result = gravity_calculator(xi,yi,initial_depth,dx,dy,-0.4)


abs() 仅采用一个参数,即要返回其绝对值的数字。参数可以是整数、 float 或复数。


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