python - 我正在制作一个使用 8ball 的机器人,所以它说 'random' 不是 var 但我还能做什么,随机答案?

标签 python python-3.x

@client.command(aliases=['8ball', 'test'])
async def _8ball(ctx, *, question):
    responses =['As I see it, yes.',
                'Ask again later.',
                'Better not tell you now.',
                'Cannot predict now.',
                'Concentrate and ask again.',
                'Don’t count on it.',
                'It is certain.',
                'It is decidedly so.',
                'Most likely.',
                'My reply is no.',
                'My sources say no.',
                'Outlook not so good.',
                'Outlook good.',
                'Reply hazy, try again.',
                'Signs point to yes.',
                'Very doubtful.',
                'Without a doubt.',
                'Yes – definitely.',
                'You may rely on it.']
    await ctx.send(f'Question: {question}\nAnswer: {random.choice(responses)}')



import random
@client.command(aliases=['8ball', 'test'])
async def _8ball(ctx, *, question):
    responses =['As I see it, yes.',
                'Ask again later.',
                'Better not tell you now.',
                'Cannot predict now.',
                'Concentrate and ask again.',
                'Don’t count on it.',
                'It is certain.',
                'It is decidedly so.',
                'Most likely.',
                'My reply is no.',
                'My sources say no.',
                'Outlook not so good.',
                'Outlook good.',
                'Reply hazy, try again.',
                'Signs point to yes.',
                'Very doubtful.',
                'Without a doubt.',
                'Yes – definitely.',
                'You may rely on it.']
    responce = random.choice(responses)
    await ctx.send(f'Question: {question}\nAnswer: {responce}')

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