python - 将 GeoPandas 多多边形数据框扩展为每行一个多边形

标签 python gis geopandas


我正在尝试使用 GeoPandas 扩展 GeoJson 文件,其中包含多个多边形。


fill    fill-opacity    stroke  stroke-opacity  stroke-width    title   geometry
0   #9bf1e2 0.3 #9bf1e2 1   1   Hail Possible   (POLYGON ((-80.69500140880155 22.2885709067316...
1   #08c1e6 0.3 #08c1e6 1   1   Severe Hail (POLYGON ((-103.4850007575523 29.2010260633722...
2   #682aba 0.3 #682aba 1   1   Damaging Hail   (POLYGON ((-104.2750007349772 32.2629245180204...`


fill    fill-opacity    stroke  stroke-opacity  stroke-width    title   geometry
0   #9bf1e2 0.3 #9bf1e2 1   1   Hail Possible   (POLYGON ((-80.69500140880155 22.2885709067316...
1   #9bf1e2 0.3 #9bf1e2 1   1   Hail Possible   (POLYGON ((-102.8150007766983 28.2180513479277...
2   #9bf1e2 0.3 #9bf1e2 1   1   Hail Possible   (POLYGON ((-103.4850007575523 29.0940821135748...
3   #9bf1e2 0.3 #9bf1e2 1   1   Hail Possible   (POLYGON ((-103.5650007552662 30.9947420843694...
4   #9bf1e2 0.3 #9bf1e2 1   1   Hail Possible   (POLYGON ((-103.6150007538374 31.0173836504729...




(返回原始未更改的 gdf)

def cartesian(x): 
    return np.vstack(np.array([np.array(np.meshgrid(*i)).T.reshape(-1,7) for i in x.values]))
ndf = pd.DataFrame(cartesian(df3),columns=df3.columns)

(返回原始未更改的 gdf)

import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon
from shapely.geometry.multipolygon import MultiPolygon

def explode(indata):
    indf = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(indata)
    outdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(columns=indf.columns)
    for idx, row in indf.iterrows():
        if type(row.geometry) == Polygon:
            outdf = outdf.append(row,ignore_index=True)
        if type(row.geometry) == MultiPolygon:
            multdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(columns=indf.columns)
            recs = len(row.geometry)
            multdf = multdf.append([row]*recs,ignore_index=True)
            for geom in range(recs):
                multdf.loc[geom,'geometry'] = row.geometry[geom]
            outdf = outdf.append(multdf,ignore_index=True)
    return outdf


(返回原始未更改的 gdf)




您可以使用 Geopandas explode()

exploded = original_df.explode()


    Explode muti-part geometries into multiple single geometries.

    Each row containing a multi-part geometry will be split into
    multiple rows with single geometries, thereby increasing the vertical
    size of the GeoDataFrame.
    The index of the input geodataframe is no longer unique and is
    replaced with a multi-index (original index with additional level
    indicating the multiple geometries: a new zero-based index for each
    single part geometry per multi-part geometry).

        Exploded geodataframe with each single geometry
        as a separate entry in the geodataframe.

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