python - 如何循环遍历字典以在最终数据帧的单独行中获取它们的输出?

标签 python pandas api dataframe

我是 python 新手,正在尝试循环数据:

我正在使用 sendgrid api 类别统计端点,并且成功获取一个 API key 的输出。


import pandas as pd
import json
from import json_normalize
import datetime
yesterday ="%F")
import http.client

conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
payload = "{}"

keys = {
    #"CF_APHI_marketing" : "SG.UdhzjmjYR**",
#    "CF_APHI_operational": "SG.FO0b2O*",
#    "CF_HPI_marketing": "SG._dnhFlnrSL-**",
#    "CF_HPI_operational": "SG.4duN1bHiT9G1**",
#    "CF_PPI_operational": "SG.F3zH1XEB**",
#    "CF_PP_operational": "SG.9TcrDUAkSLWT**",
#    "CF_PP_marketing" : "SG.GD5wMhE_**",
    "CF_SandBox" : "SG.eDU7TY**",
#    "CF_PKN_operational" : "SG.JsIws8hLT5iYxry0oJlGqw.**",
#    "CF_PTC_operational" : "SG.2-dxeY8BRsabipDlRuvZMg.-**",
#    "CF_SP_operational" : "SG.tSF_YmxlRkmmsiHNrK2CWQ.xtyhO4UX3U--**",
#    "CF_SP_marketing" : "SG.KDuHYR-bRq-T74UexS4WpA.**-**",
#    "CF_EI_operational" : "SG.2TRc1VQMT-WDirJG-U-PtQ.sAx-**",
#    "CF_D_operational" :  "SG.KNFxNavYQ1yJwGTpnIDKxA.**-**"   
df = []  # Create new Dataframe

for name, value in keys.items():
    headers = { 'authorization': "Bearer " + value }

    conn.request("GET", "/v3/categories/stats/sums?aggregated_by=&start_date={d}&end_date={d}".format(d=yesterday).format(d=yesterday), payload, headers)

    res = conn.getresponse()
    data =

    d = json.loads(data.decode("utf-8"))
#    row = d['stats'][0]['name']
    # Add Brand to data row here with 'name'
    df.append(c)  # Load data row into df

当我调用 df 时,我的输出是:

df 输出[8]:

[[{'type': 'category',
   'name': 'Claim Notification Email',
   'metrics': {'blocks': 0,
    'bounce_drops': 0,
    'bounces': 0,
    'clicks': 0,
    'deferred': 0,
    'delivered': 5,
    'invalid_emails': 0,
    'opens': 0,
    'processed': 0,
    'requests': 5,
    'spam_report_drops': 0,
    'spam_reports': 0,
    'unique_clicks': 0,
    'unique_opens': 0,
    'unsubscribe_drops': 0,
    'unsubscribes': 0}},
  {'type': 'category',
   'name': 'Records Request 2',
   'metrics': {'blocks': 0,
    'bounce_drops': 0,
    'bounces': 0,
    'clicks': 0,
    'deferred': 0,
    'delivered': 1,
    'invalid_emails': 0,
    'opens': 0,
    'processed': 0,
    'requests': 1,
    'spam_report_drops': 0,
    'spam_reports': 0,
    'unique_clicks': 0,
    'unique_opens': 0,
    'unsubscribe_drops': 0,
    'unsubscribes': 0}},
  {'type': 'category',
   'name': 'Records Request 1',
   'metrics': {'blocks': 0,
    'bounce_drops': 0,
    'bounces': 0,
    'clicks': 0,
    'deferred': 0,
    'delivered': 1,
    'invalid_emails': 0,
    'opens': 0,
    'processed': 0,
    'requests': 1,
    'spam_report_drops': 0,
    'spam_reports': 0,
    'unique_clicks': 0,
    'unique_opens': 0,
    'unsubscribe_drops': 0,
    'unsubscribes': 0}},
  {'type': 'category',
   'name': 'Appeal Received Email',
   'metrics': {'blocks': 0,
    'bounce_drops': 0,
    'bounces': 0,
    'clicks': 0,
    'deferred': 0,
    'delivered': 0,
    'invalid_emails': 0,
    'opens': 1,
    'processed': 0,
    'requests': 0,
    'spam_report_drops': 0,
    'spam_reports': 0,
    'unique_clicks': 0,
    'unique_opens': 0,
    'unsubscribe_drops': 0,
    'unsubscribes': 0}}]]


Brand CF_APHI_marketing

name                  blocks  bounce_drops  bounces  ...  unique_opens  unsubscribe_dropsunsubscribes 
Appeal Received Email  0         7            14                9  ...          1240               0             
Records Request       18         12            7               2000                 0              0
Records Request2       2           10           8               3333                 1             0

基本上想要按品牌(键)获取上述 13 个品牌中每个品牌的所有类别名称的输出。有没有更好的方法来创建这个数据框?


sendgrid = pd.DataFrame(df)

但是当我将其导出到 csv 时,我没有收到上面那样的输出,只是得到了一些 json 文本



df = [[{'type': 'category',
   'name': 'Claim Notification Email',
   'metrics': {'blocks': 0,
    'bounce_drops': 0,
    'bounces': 0,
    'clicks': 0,
    'deferred': 0,
    'delivered': 5,
    'invalid_emails': 0,
    'opens': 0,
    'processed': 0,
    'requests': 5,
    'spam_report_drops': 0,
    'spam_reports': 0,
    'unique_clicks': 0,
    'unique_opens': 0,
    'unsubscribe_drops': 0,
    'unsubscribes': 0}},
  {'type': 'category',
   'name': 'Records Request 2',
   'metrics': {'blocks': 0,
    'bounce_drops': 0,
    'bounces': 0,
    'clicks': 0,
    'deferred': 0,
    'delivered': 1,
    'invalid_emails': 0,
    'opens': 0,
    'processed': 0,
    'requests': 1,
    'spam_report_drops': 0,
    'spam_reports': 0,
    'unique_clicks': 0,
    'unique_opens': 0,
    'unsubscribe_drops': 0,
    'unsubscribes': 0}},
  {'type': 'category',
   'name': 'Records Request 1',
   'metrics': {'blocks': 0,
    'bounce_drops': 0,
    'bounces': 0,
    'clicks': 0,
    'deferred': 0,
    'delivered': 1,
    'invalid_emails': 0,
    'opens': 0,
    'processed': 0,
    'requests': 1,
    'spam_report_drops': 0,
    'spam_reports': 0,
    'unique_clicks': 0,
    'unique_opens': 0,
    'unsubscribe_drops': 0,
    'unsubscribes': 0}},
  {'type': 'category',
   'name': 'Appeal Received Email',
   'metrics': {'blocks': 0,
    'bounce_drops': 0,
    'bounces': 0,
    'clicks': 0,
    'deferred': 0,
    'delivered': 0,
    'invalid_emails': 0,
    'opens': 1,
    'processed': 0,
    'requests': 0,
    'spam_report_drops': 0,
    'spam_reports': 0,
    'unique_clicks': 0,
    'unique_opens': 0,
    'unsubscribe_drops': 0,
    'unsubscribes': 0}}]]


df = pd.DataFrame(df[0])
df_new = df[['type', 'name']]
df_metric =pd.DataFrame(list(df['metrics'].values))
sendgrid = pd.concat([df_new, df_metric], axis=1, sort=False)
sendgrid.set_index('name', inplace = True)


                              type  blocks  bounce_drops  bounces  clicks  \
Claim Notification Email  category       0             0        0       0   
Records Request 2         category       0             0        0       0   
Records Request 1         category       0             0        0       0   
Appeal Received Email     category       0             0        0       0   

                          deferred  delivered  invalid_emails  opens  \
Claim Notification Email         0          5               0      0   
Records Request 2                0          1               0      0   
Records Request 1                0          1               0      0   
Appeal Received Email            0          0               0      1   

                          processed  requests  spam_report_drops  \
Claim Notification Email          0         5                  0   
Records Request 2                 0         1                  0   
Records Request 1                 0         1                  0   
Appeal Received Email             0         0                  0   

                          spam_reports  unique_clicks  unique_opens  \
Claim Notification Email             0              0             0   
Records Request 2                    0              0             0   
Records Request 1                    0              0             0   
Appeal Received Email                0              0             0   

                          unsubscribe_drops  unsubscribes  
Claim Notification Email                  0             0  
Records Request 2                         0             0  
Records Request 1                         0             0  
Appeal Received Email                     0             0  

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