
标签 python logic

我正在尝试处理在 python 中表示为嵌套列表和字符串的一阶逻辑公式,以便其采用析取范式,

即['&', ['|', 'a', 'b'], ['|', 'c', 'd']]


['|' ['&', ['&', 'a', 'c'], ['&', 'b', 'c']], ['&', ['&', 'a', 'd '], ['&', 'b', 'd']]]

哪里|是“或”,& 是“与”。


这是我的实现,performDNF(form) 是入口点。现在它对公式执行一次传递,但随后 while 循环检查函数在 '&' 内部没有发现 '|' 并终止,帮助任何这让我发疯的人。

def dnfDistributivity(self, form):
    if isinstance(form, type([])):
        if len(form) == 3:
            if form[0] == '&':
                if form[1][0] == '|':
                    form = ['|', ['&', form[2], form[1][1]], ['&', form[2], form[1][2]]]
                elif form[2][0] == '|':
                    form = ['|', ['&', form[1], form[2][1]], ['&', form[1], form[2][2]]]
            form[1] = self.dnfDistributivity(form[1])
            form[2] = self.dnfDistributivity(form[2])
        elif len(form) == 2:
            form[1] = self.dnfDistributivity(form[1])
    return form

def checkDistributivity(self, form, result = 0):
    if isinstance(form, type([])):
        if len(form) == 3:
            if form[0] == '&':
                print "found &"
                if isinstance(form[1], type([])):
                    if form[1][0] == '|':
                        return 1
                elif isinstance(form[2], type([])):
                    if form[2][0] == '|':
                        return 1
                    result = self.checkDistributivity(form[1], result)
                    print result
                    if result != 1:
                        result = self.checkDistributivity(form[2], result)
                        print result
        elif len(form) == 2:
            result = self.checkDistributivity(form[1], result)
            print result
    return result

def performDNF(self, form):
    while self.checkDistributivity(form):
        form = self.dnfDistributivity(self.dnfDistributivity(form))
    return form



我不明白你的代码,而且我也没有听说过 DNF,所以我开始进一步研究这个问题。

Wikipedia page on DNF非常有帮助。它包括描述 DNF 的语法。

基于此,我编写了一组简单的递归函数,我相信它们可以正确识别您需要的格式的 DNF。我的代码包括一些简单的测试用例。

然后我意识到,数据表示的二叉树性质使得应用德摩根定律来简化“非”情况变得相对简单,只需编写一个名为 negate() 的函数来递归求反,其余的就各就各位了。



此代码应在任何 Python 2.4 或更高版本上运行。您甚至可以通过用简单的字符列表替换 freezeset 来将其移植到较旧的 Python 版本。我用Python 3.x进行了测试,发现异常语法已经改变,所以如果你想在Python 3下运行它,你需要改变raise行;重要的部分都可以工作。

在问题中,您没有提到您使用什么字符not;鉴于您使用 & 表示 and 以及 | 表示 or,我假设您可能使用 !not 并相应地编写了代码。这是让我对您的代码感到困惑的事情之一:您难道不希望在您的输入中找到 not 吗?


import sys

ch_and = '&'
ch_not = '!'
ch_or = '|'

def echo(*args):
    # like print() in Python 3 but works in 2.x or in 3
    sys.stdout.write(" ".join(str(x) for x in args) + "\n")

    symbols = frozenset([ch_and, ch_not, ch_or])
except NameError:
    raise Exception, "sorry, your Python is too old for this code"

    __str_type = basestring
except NameError:
    __str_type = str

def is_symbol(x):
    if not isinstance(x, __str_type) or len(x) == 0:
        return False
    return x[0] in symbols

def is_and(x):
    if not isinstance(x, __str_type) or len(x) == 0:
        return False
    return x[0] == ch_and

def is_or(x):
    if not isinstance(x, __str_type) or len(x) == 0:
        return False
    return x[0] == ch_or

def is_not(x):
    if not isinstance(x, __str_type) or len(x) == 0:
        return False
    return x[0] == ch_not

def is_literal_char(x):
    if not isinstance(x, __str_type) or len(x) == 0:
        return False
    return x[0] not in symbols

def is_list(x, n):
    return isinstance(x, list) and len(x) == n

def is_literal(x):
True if x is a literal char, or a 'not' followed by a literal char."""
    if is_literal_char(x):
        return True
    return is_list(x, 2) and is_not(x[0]) and is_literal_char(x[1])

def is_conjunct(x):
True if x is a literal, or 'and' followed by two conjuctions."""
    if is_literal(x):
        return True
    return (is_list(x, 3) and
            is_and(x[0]) and is_conjunct(x[1]) and is_conjunct(x[2]))

def is_disjunct(x):
True if x is a conjunction, or 'or' followed by two disjuctions."""
    if is_conjunct(x):
        return True
    return (is_list(x, 3) and
            is_or(x[0]) and is_disjunct(x[1]) and is_disjunct(x[2]))

def is_dnf(x):
    return is_disjunct(x)

def is_wf(x):
    """returns True if x is a well-formed list"""
    if is_literal(x):
        return True
    elif not isinstance(x, list):
        raise TypeError, "only lists allowed"
    elif len(x) == 2 and is_not(x[0]) and is_wf(x[1]):
        return True
        return (is_list(x, 3) and (is_and(x[0]) or is_or(x[0])) and
                is_wf(x[1]) and is_wf(x[2]))

def negate(x):
    # trivial: negate a returns !a
    if is_literal_char(x):
        return [ch_not, x]

    # trivial: negate !a returns a
    if is_list(x, 2) and is_not(x[0]):
        return x[1]

    # DeMorgan's law:  negate (a && b) returns (!a || !b)
    if is_list(x, 3) and is_and(x[0]):
        return [ch_or, negate(x[1]), negate(x[2])]

    # DeMorgan's law:  negate (a || b) returns (!a && !b)
    if is_list(x, 3) and is_or(x[0]):
        return [ch_and, negate(x[1]), negate(x[2])]

    raise ValueError, "negate() only works on well-formed values."

def __rewrite(x):
    # handle all dnf, which includes simple literals.
    if is_dnf(x):
        # basis case. no work to do, return unchanged.
        return x

    if len(x) == 2 and is_not(x[0]):
        x1 = x[1]
        if is_list(x1, 2) and is_not(x1[0]):
            # double negative!  throw away the 'not' 'not' and keep rewriting.
            return __rewrite(x1[1])
        assert is_list(x1, 3)
        # handle non-inner 'not'
        return __rewrite(negate(x1))

    # handle 'and' with 'or' inside it
    assert is_list(x, 3) and is_and(x[0]) or is_or(x[0])
    if len(x) == 3 and is_and(x[0]):
        x1, x2 = x[1], x[2]
        if ((is_list(x1, 3) and is_or(x1[0])) and
                (is_list(x2, 3) and is_or(x2[0]))):
# (a || b) && (c || d) -- (a && c) || (b && c) || (a && d) || (b && d)
            lst_ac = [ch_and, x1[1], x2[1]]
            lst_bc = [ch_and, x1[2], x2[1]]
            lst_ad = [ch_and, x1[1], x2[2]]
            lst_bd = [ch_and, x1[2], x2[2]]
            new_x = [ch_or, [ch_or, lst_ac, lst_bc], [ch_or, lst_ad, lst_bd]]
            return __rewrite(new_x)

        if (is_list(x2, 3) and is_or(x2[0])):
# a && (b || c)  -- (a && b) || (a && c)
            lst_ab = [ch_and, x1, x2[1]]
            lst_ac = [ch_and, x1, x2[2]]
            new_x = [ch_or, lst_ab, lst_ac]
            return __rewrite(new_x)

        if (is_list(x1, 3) and is_or(x1[0])):
# (a || b) && c  -- (a && c) || (b && c)
            lst_ac = [ch_and, x1[1], x2]
            lst_bc = [ch_and, x1[2], x2]
            new_x = [ch_or, lst_ac, lst_bc]
            return __rewrite(new_x)

    return [x[0], __rewrite(x[1]), __rewrite(x[2])]
    #return x

def rewrite(x):
    if not is_wf(x):
        raise ValueError, "can only rewrite well-formed lists"
    while not is_dnf(x):
        x = __rewrite(x)
    return x

#### self-test code ####

__failed = False
__verbose = True
def test_not_wf(x):
    global __failed
    if is_wf(x):
        echo("is_wf() returned True for:", x)
        __failed = True

def test_dnf(x):
    global __failed
    if not is_wf(x):
        echo("is_wf() returned False for:", x)
        __failed = True
    elif not is_dnf(x):
        echo("is_dnf() returned False for:", x)
        __failed = True

def test_not_dnf(x):
    global __failed
    if not is_wf(x):
        echo("is_wf() returned False for:", x)
        __failed = True
    elif is_dnf(x):
        echo("is_dnf() returned True for:", x)
        __failed = True
        xr = rewrite(x)
        if not is_wf(xr):
            echo("rewrite produced non-well-formed for:", x)
            echo("result was:", xr)
            __failed = True
        elif not is_dnf(xr):
            echo("rewrite failed for:", x)
            echo("result was:", xr)
            __failed = True
            if __verbose:
                echo("original:", x)
                echo("rewritten:", xr)

def self_test():
    a, b, c, d = 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'

    lstna = [ch_not, a]

    lstnb = [ch_not, b]

    lsta = [ch_and, a, b]

    lsto = [ch_or, a, b]

    test_dnf([ch_and, lsta, lsta])

    test_dnf([ch_or, lsta, lsta])

    lstnn = [ch_not, [ch_not, a]]

    test_not_dnf([ch_and, lstnn, lstnn])

    # test 'and'/'or' inside 'not'
    test_not_dnf([ch_not, lsta])
    test_not_dnf([ch_not, lsto])

    # test 'or' inside of 'and'
    # a&(b|c) --> (a&b)|(b&c)
    test_not_dnf([ch_and, a, [ch_or, b, c]])
    # (a|b)&c --> (a&c)|(b&c)
    test_not_dnf([ch_and, [ch_or, a, b], c])
    # (a|b)&(c|d) --> ((a&c)|(b&c))|((a&d)|(b&d))
    test_not_dnf([ch_and, [ch_or, a, b], [ch_or, c, d]])

    # a&a&a&(b|c) --> a&a&(a&b|b&c) --> a&(a&a&b|a&b&c) --> (a&a&a&b|a&a&b&c)
    test_not_dnf([ch_and, a, [ch_and, a, [ch_and, a, [ch_or, b, c]]]])

    if __failed:
        echo("one or more tests failed")



这是一个可怕的黑客行为,我有一个 while 循环重复调用 __rewrite()rewrite() 函数应该能够通过一次调用 __rewrite() 来重写树结构。只需进行一些简单的更改,您就可以摆脱 while 循环;我做到了,并测试了它,它有效。您希望 __rewrite() 沿着树向下走,然后在返回的路上重写内容,并且它会一次性工作。您还可以修改 __rewrite() 以在列表格式不正确时返回错误,并消除对 is_wf() 的调用;这也很容易。

我怀疑你的老师会在 while 循环中扣掉你的分数,所以你应该有动力去尝试这个。我希望您玩得开心,也希望您从我的代码中学到一些有用的东西。

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