python - twisted.protocols.ftp.FTPClient 和 Deferreds

标签 python ftp twisted deferred

像大多数人一样,我花了一段时间才习惯使用 Deferreds,但我正在慢慢地做到这一点。但是,我不清楚如何在使用 Twisted 的 FTP 模块时处理响应,然后使用处理后的响应调用另一个 FTP 命令。我正在使用 example FTP code作为我的出发点。

我想连接到 FTP 服务器,获取所有顶级目录,然后输入每个目录并下载所有文件。


creator = ClientCreator(reactor, FTPClient, config.opts['username'], config.opts['password'], passive=config.opts['passive'])
creator.connectTCP(config.opts['host'], config.opts['port']).addCallback(connectionMade).addErrback(connectionFailed)

它连接成功,因此我的 connectionMade 函数被调用:

def connectionMade(ftpClient):
    # Get a detailed listing of the current directory
    fileList = FTPFileListProtocol()
    d = ftpClient.list('.', fileList)
    d.addCallbacks(getSortedDirectories, fail, callbackArgs=(fileList,))

如您所见,我排队 getSortedDirectories,然后 enterDirs

def getSortedDirectories(result, fileListProtocol):
    # Go through all directories from greatest to least
    dirs = [directory for directory in sorted(fileListProtocol.files, reverse=True) if directory['filetype'] == 'd']
    return dirs

我的问题是,如何浏览 enterDirs 中的目录?

def enterDirs(dirs):
    for directory in dirs:
        print "We'd be entering '%s' now." % directory

我是否应该将 ftpClient 传递给 enterDirs,就像将 fileList 传递给 getSortedDirectories 一样,然后发出下载请求?

d.addCallback(enterDirs, callbackArgs=(ftpClient,))

def enterDirs(dirs, ftpClient):
    for directory in dirs:
        fileList = FTPFileListProtocol()
        d = ftpClient.list(directory, fileList)
        d.addCallbacks(downloadFiles, fail, callbackArgs=(directory, fileList, ftpClient))

def downloadFiles(result, directory, fileListProtocol, ftpClient):
    for f in fileListProtocol.files if f.filetype == '-':
        fileConsumer = FileConsumer()
        ftpClient.retrieveFile(os.path.join(directory['filename'], file['filename']), fileConsumer)



Should I be passing ftpClient to enterDirs like fileList is passed to getSortedDirectories and then make my download requests? ... Is this the best approach?


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