python - 滑动 Sprite

标签 python sprite pygame slide

我希望我的 Sprite 像在冰上一样滑动。因此,如果他在地面上,那么他可以正常行走,但当他接触冰时,他会滑动,直到有东西阻止他。 有谁知道如何才能做到这一点? 谢谢


像“Sprite Movement Towards a Target ”示例一样操纵摩擦系数(修改如下):

class Sprite(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    ICE = 0.01
    LAND = 1.

    def __init__(self):
        # ...
        self.normal_friction = .95 # friction while accelerating
        self.slowing_friction = .8 # friction while slowing down

    def update(self):
        # ...
        if self.dir: # if there is a direction to move

            if self.in_ice_region():
                surface_coefficient = Sprite.ICE
                surface_coefficient = Sprite.LAND

            if self.distance_check(self.dist): # if we need to slow down
                self.speedX += (self.dir[0] * (self.speed / 2)) # reduced speed
                self.speedY += (self.dir[1] * (self.speed / 2))
                self.speedX *= surface_coefficient * self.slowing_friction # increased friction
                self.speedY *= surface_coefficient * self.slowing_friction

            else: # if we need to go normal speed
                self.speedX += (self.dir[0] * self.speed) # calculate speed from direction to move and speed constant
                self.speedY += (self.dir[1] * self.speed)
                self.speedX *= surface_coefficient * self.normal_friction # apply friction
                self.speedY *= surface_coefficient * self.normal_friction

            self.trueX += self.speedX # store true x decimal values
            self.trueY += self.speedY
   = (round(self.trueX),round(self.trueY)) # apply values to

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