python - Pylabplotfile() 跳过没有标题的文件的第一行 - 如何阻止这个?

标签 python matplotlib

我一直在使用matplotlib.pyplot.plotfile直接从文件中绘制一些 x,y 值。但是,图中省略了第一个数据行。



plotfile(os.path.join(pathname,'foo.csv'), cols=(3,5), skiprows=0, delimiter=',', label='Series')



使用 names 关键字参数显式命名列。例如:

plotfile(os.path.join(pathname,'foo.csv'), names=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'], cols=(3,5), skiprows=0, delimiter=',', label='Series')

根据csv2rec (由 plotfile 使用):

If names is None, a header row is required to automatically assign the recarray names. The headers will be lower cased, spaces will be converted to underscores, and illegal attribute name characters removed. If names is not None, it is a sequence of names to use for the column names. In this case, it is assumed there is no header row.

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