python - 返回response.meta[]时出错

标签 python scrapy

我正在运行下面的代码,该代码似乎有一些问题。 下面显示的不是我的全部代码,如果有人问我,我将发布其余的代码:

from threading import Thread 
from selenium import webdriver
from scrapy.http import Request
from urlparse import urlparse
from scrapy.spider import BaseSpider

class MySpider(BaseSpider):
    name = "scrapy"
    def get_url():
        url = raw_input('Enter the url of your website (including the http)')
        return url      
    start_url = str(get_url())
    def parse(self,response):
         return response

def get_depth():
    scrapies = MySpider()
    response= Request(scrapies.start_url)
    return response.meta['depth']




您需要使用 Yield 调用 get_depth 并随之传递元值。请参阅下面的示例。

产量请求(url=someurl,callback=self.get_depth,meta={'key': value},)

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