python - 键盘选项卡导航的自动化测试

标签 python selenium selenium-webdriver webdriver uiaccessibility

我的网页支持键盘导航,按“TAB”键可以按特定顺序在网页项目之间切换焦点。在获得焦点的项目上按 Enter 键会打开弹出窗口/选择该项目。

我的自动化测试用例是: 1. 在整个网站上按 Tab 键并验证正确的项目处于焦点位置。 2. 在焦点项目上按 Enter 键并验证是否显示弹出窗口。 3. 在焦点项目上按 Enter 键并验证是否已选择它。

from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
# Qs: I want to test that the first time I press TAB key, the logo is in focus.          
# Currently. I am unable to achieve that without finding that element.
# How do I include the first element in the test?
first = self.driver.find_element_by_id("logo")
# The following code tabs to the second item on the page and brings it in focus. 
# Qs: How do I test that this item is in focus?
# How do I tab to the third item on the page without saving the second item 
# in a variable?
# Do I need to find the element in focus in order to select it by sending the 
# RETURN key?





second = self.driver.execute_script("return document.activeElement")

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