python - Spotify Web API 经常给出 500 错误

标签 python django spotify python-requests

我正在构建一个应用程序,该应用程序使用 python 包“spotipy”与 Spotify Web API 交互。

但是,我会随机收到 500 个错误,如下所示:

http status: 500, code:-1 - the requested resource could not be found:[USERNAME]/playlists

这是我的工作流程(减去我的 api key 信息)

client_id = '' 
client_secret = ''
redirect_uri = ''
scope = 'playlist-read-private user-read-private playlist-modify-private'
auth = oauth2.SpotifyOAuth(client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri, scope = scope)

def spotify_auth(request):
    auth_url = auth.get_authorize_url()
    return HttpResponseRedirect(auth_url)

用户通过身份验证后,将被重定向到以下 View :

def spotify(request):
    token_code = request.GET.get('code')
    token = auth.get_access_token(token_code)
    sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth=token['access_token'])
    user =
    playlists = sp.user_playlists(user['id'])

此时,我会经常(但并非总是)收到 500 错误...



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