python - 两个文件的 python 'open' 中的模拟

标签 python python-2.7

我想测试名为 getFileAsJson 的appendRole 来读取打开的文件。 我的问题是我不知道下一个将是哪个开放。 if/elif 有很多。

def appendRole(self, hosts=None, _newrole=None, newSubroles=None, undoRole=False, config_path=None):
    """ Same as changeRole but keeps subroles """

    if hosts is None:
        hosts = [""]
    if newSubroles is None:
        newSubroles = {}
    if config_path is None:
        config_path = self.config_path

    with self._lock:
        default = {}
        data = self.getFileAsJson(config_path, default)

        data1 = self.getFileAsJson(self.config_path_all, {"some"})
        data2 = self.getFileAsJson(self.config_path_core, {"something"})

def getFileAsJson(self, config_path, init_value):
        read file and return json data
        if it wasn't create. Will created.
    self.createFile(config_path, init_value)
        with open(config_path, "r") as json_data:
            data = json.load(json_data)
        return data
    except Exception as e:
            "Can't read data from %s because %s" % (config_path, e))


甚至您也可以在 Python mock builtin 'open' in a class using two different files 找到问题的答案我想鼓励您改变为 getFileAsJson() 编写测试的方法,然后信任它。

要测试appendRole(),请使用 mock.patch修补 getFileAsJson(),然后通过 side_effect 属性,您可以指示模拟返回测试所需的内容。

因此,在对 getFileAsJson() 进行一些测试后,您可以在其中使用 mock_open()模拟 open 内置(也许你也需要修补 createFile() )。您的 appendRole() 的测试如下所示:

@mock.patch('mymodule.getFileAsJson', autospec=True)
def test_appendRole(self, mock_getFileAsJson)
    mock_getFileAsJson.side_effect = [m_data, m_data1,m_data2,...]
    # where m_data, m_data1,m_data2, ... is what is supposed 
    # getFileAsJson return in your test
    # Invoke appendRole() to test it 
    appendRole(bla, bla)
    # Now you can use mock_getFileAsJson.assert* family methods to
    # check how your appendRole call it.
    # Moreover add what you need to test in appendRole()

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