python - 在Python中返回给定x和y的二维PDF的值?

标签 python pdf indexing histogram

我有一些使用 matplotlib 的 hist2D 函数绘制 PDF 的数据。 结果如下所示:

enter image description here

hist2d 函数返回三个数组:H、xedges、yedges。 H 是二维直方图值。 现在我想将这个离散 H 矩阵转换为一个函数,该函数返回任何给定 (x,y) 输入的 H 值。 换句话说,我想将 2D 直方图转换为 2D 阶跃函数。是否有一个计算成本较低的特定函数可供我用于此目的?




from numpy import random, histogram2d, diff
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import interp2d

# Generate sample data
n = 10000
x = random.randn(n)
y = -x + random.randn(n)

# bin
nbins = 100
H, xedges, yedges = histogram2d(x, y, bins=nbins)

# Figure out centers of bins
def centers(edges):
    return edges[:-1] + diff(edges[:2])/2

xcenters = centers(xedges)
ycenters = centers(yedges)

# Construct interpolator
pdf = interp2d(xcenters, ycenters, H)

# test
plt.pcolor(xedges, yedges, pdf(xedges, yedges))


result of interpolation


from numpy import meshgrid, vectorize

def position(edges, value):
    return int((value - edges[0])/diff(edges[:2]))

def pdf2(x, y):
    return H[position(yedges, y), position(xedges, x)]

# test - note we need the meshgrid here to get the right shapes
xx, yy = meshgrid(xcenters, ycenters)
plt.pcolor(xedges, yedges, pdf2(xx, yy))

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