python - 如何用 Python 制作一个改变游戏当前区域的引擎?

标签 python python-2.7

我目前正在使用《Learn Python The Hard Way》一书来学习 Python。在练习 43 中,我被要求创建自己的游戏,并且我必须遵循以下规则:

  • 我必须使用多个文件。
  • 我必须为我的角色可以到达的每个区域使用一个类。


这是不同区域的代码: 区域.py:

# Jungle area's are numbered like a keypad on a phone.
from engine import *

class Jungle8(object):
    print "\nYou are south of the jungle.\n"
class Jungle1(object):
    print "\nYou are northwest of the jungle.\n"
class Jungle2(object):
    print "\nYou are north of the jungle."
    print "The Monkey Elder is waiting for you.\n"
class Jungle3(object):
    print "\nYou are northeast of the jungle.\n"
class Jungle4(object):
    print "\nYou are west of the jungle.\n"
class Jungle5(object):
    print "\nYou are in the center of the jungle.\n"
class Jungle6(object):
    print "\nYou are east of the jungle."
    print "You can see a cave with a locked door.\n"
class Jungle7(object):
    print "\nYou are southwest of the jungle.\n"
class Jungle9(object):
    print "\nYou are southeast of the jungle.\n"


from areas import *

class Engine(object):

    def __init__(self):
        # No idea on what to do at this point.



是的,你可以。当类具有 __call__ 时,它是可调用的(函数)方法。

class Jungle6():
    def __call__(self):
        print "\nYou are east of the jungle."
        print "You can see a cave with a locked door.\n"



j = Jungle6()

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