python - 熄灯

标签 python python-3.x recursion


下面的代码是一个非常基本的Lights out game需要输入


设置游戏板 N x N


我认为问题是 设置新元素

正在获取 x,y 数据,而我的其余函数不知道如何处理传递的值

import time # provides time.sleep(0.5)
from csplot import choice
from random import * # provides choice( [0,1] ), etc.
import sys  # larger recursive stack
sys.setrecursionlimit(100000) # 100,000 deep

def runGenerations2d(L , x = 0,y=0):
    print( L )           # display the list, L
    time.sleep(.1)      # pause a bit
    newL = evolve2d( L )   # evolve L into newL
    if min(L) == 1:
        #I like read outs to be explained so I added an extra print command.
        if x<=1: # Takes into account the possibility of a 1 click completition.
            print ('BaseCase Reached!... it took %i click to complete' % (x))
            print (x)
            done()#removes the need to input done() into the shell
            print ('BaseCase Reached!... it took %i clicks to complete' % (x))
            print (x)
            done()#removes the need to input done() into the shell
    x = x+1 # add 1 to x before every recusion
    runGenerations2d( newL , x,y )  # recurse

def evolve2d( L ):
    N = len(L)  # N now holds the size of the list L
    x,y = sqinput2()  # Get 2D mouse input from the user
    print(x,y) #confirm the location clicked
    return [ setNewElement2d( L, i,x,y ) for i in range(N) ]

 def setNewElement2d( L, i, x=0,y=0 ):
    if i == (x,y): # if it's the user's chosen column,
        if L[i]==1: # if the cell is already one
            return L[i]-1 # make it 0
        else: # else the cell must be 0
            return L[i]+1 # so make it 1


[None, None, None, None]
[None, None, None, None]
The data does not seem 2d.
Try using sqinput instead.


setNewElement2d 返回单个数字,但调用代码需要两个数字。


return [ setNewElement2d( L, i,x,y ) for i in range(N) ]

将 i 设置为 0,然后为 1,然后为 2,...然后为 N-1。这些是单个数字。


if i == (x,y):

您似乎假设 i 是 x,y 对,但事实并非如此。

以下是如何为 3x3 网格创建每个 x-y 对:

# Makes (0,0),(0,1)...(2,2)
[(x,y) for x in range(3) for y in range(3)]


def evolve2d( L ):
    N = len(L)
    x,y = sqinput2()
    return [setNewElement2d(L, xx, yy, x, y) for xx in range(N) for yy in range(N)]

 def setNewElement2d( L, xx, yy, x=0,y=0 ):
    if (xx,yy) == (x,y): # if it's the user's chosen row and column
        # If it's already 1 return 0 else return 1
        return 0 if L[xx][yy]==1 else 1

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