python - 如何使用Python连接组件根据日期组合记录?

标签 python graph connected-components


person_records = [['1', '08/01/2011', '08/31/2011'],
                 ['1', '09/01/2011', '09/30/2011'],
                 ['1', '11/01/2011', '11/30/2011'],
                 ['1', '12/01/2011', '12/31/2011'],
                 ['1', '01/01/2012', '01/31/2012'],
                 ['1', '03/01/2012', '03/31/2012']]

每个人的记录按 start_date 升序排序。通过根据日期合并记录并将第一个期间的 start_date 记录为开始日期,将最后一个期间的 end_date 作为结束日期来合并期间。但是,如果一个周期结束与下一个周期开始之间的时间为 32 天或更短,我们应将其视为连续周期。否则,我们将其视为两个时期:

consolidated_person_records = [['1', '08/01/2011', '09/30/2011'],
                               ['1', '11/01/2011', '03/31/2012']]

有没有办法使用 python 连接组件来做到这一点?


我考虑了你的问题,我最初编写了一个例程,将日期间隔映射到一维二进制数组中,其中数组中的每个条目都是一天,连续的天是连续的条目。使用此数据结构,您可以执行膨胀和腐 eclipse 来填充小间隙,从而合并间隔,然后将合并的间隔映射回日期范围。因此,我们根据您的想法使用标准栅格连接组件逻辑来解决您的问题(基于图形的连接组件也可以工作......)


这是简单例程的代码,使用示例数据运行大约需要 120 微秒。如果通过重复 10,000 次来扩展样本数据,则此例程在我的计算机上大约需要 1 秒。

当我对基于形态学的解决方案进行计时时,速度慢了大约 2 倍。在某些情况下它可能会工作得更好,但我建议我们先尝试简单的方法,看看是否存在需要不同算法方法的实际问题。

from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
import numpy as np


SAMPLE_DATA = [['1', '08/01/2011', '08/31/2011'],
               ['1', '09/01/2011', '09/30/2011'],
               ['1', '11/01/2011', '11/30/2011'],
               ['1', '12/01/2011', '12/31/2011'],
               ['1', '01/01/2012', '01/31/2012'],
               ['1', '03/01/2012', '03/31/2012'],
               ['2', '11/11/2011', '11/30/2011'],
               ['2', '12/11/2011', '12/31/2011'],
               ['2', '01/11/2014', '01/31/2014'],
               ['2', '03/11/2014', '03/31/2014']]


def simple_method(in_data=SAMPLE_DATA, person='1', fill_gap_days=31, printit=False):
    date_format_str = "%m/%d/%Y"
    dat = np.array(in_data)
    dat = dat[dat[:, 0] == person, 1:]  # just this person's data
    # assume date intervals are already sorted by start date
    new_intervals = []
    cur_start = None
    cur_end = None
    gap_days = timedelta(days=fill_gap_days)
    for (s_str, e_str) in dat:
        dt_start = datetime.strptime(s_str, date_format_str)
        dt_end = datetime.strptime(e_str, date_format_str)
        if cur_end is None:
            cur_start = dt_start
            cur_end = dt_end
            if cur_end + gap_days >= dt_start:
                # merge, keep existing cur_start, extend cur_end
                cur_end = dt_end
                # new interval, save previous and reset current to this
                new_intervals.append((cur_start, cur_end))
                cur_start = dt_start
                cur_end = dt_end
    # make sure final interval is saved
    new_intervals.append((cur_start, cur_end))

    if printit:
        print_it(person, new_intervals, date_format_str)

    return new_intervals

这是用于打印范围的简单 pretty-print 函数。

def print_it(person, consolidated_ranges, fmt):
    for (s, e) in consolidated_ranges:
        print(person, s.strftime(fmt), e.strftime(fmt))


In [10]: _ = simple_method(printit=True)
1 08/01/2011 09/30/2011
1 11/01/2011 03/31/2012

使用 %timeit 宏在 ipython 中运行:

In [8]: %timeit simple_method(in_data=SAMPLE_DATA)
10000 loops, best of 3: 118 µs per loop

In [9]: %timeit simple_method(in_data=SAMPLE_DATA*10000)
1 loops, best of 3: 1.06 s per loop

[编辑 2016 年 2 月 8 日:为了让一个长答案更长......] 正如我在回复中所言,我确实创建了形态/一维连接组件版本,并且在我的计时中它大约慢了 2 倍。但为了完整起见,我将展示形态学方法,也许其他人会了解其中是否有很大的加速区域。

#using same imports as previous code with one more
import calendar as cal

def make_occupancy_array(start_year, end_year):
    Represents the time between the start and end years, inclusively, as a 1-D array
    of 'pixels', where each pixel corresponds to a day. Consecutive days are thus
    mapped to consecutive pixels. We can perform morphology on this 1D array to
    close small gaps between date ranges.
    years_days = [(yr, 366 if cal.isleap(yr) else 365) for yr in range(start_year, end_year+1)]
    YD = np.array(years_days)  # like [ (2011, 365), (2012, 366), ... ] in ndarray form
    total_num_days = YD[:, 1].sum()
    occupancy = np.zeros((total_num_days,), dtype='int')
    return YD, occupancy


def map_date_to_position(dt, YD):
    Maps the datetime value to a position in the occupancy array
    # the start position is the offset to day 1 in the dt1,year,
    # plus the day of year - 1 for dt1 (day of year is 1-based indexed)
    yr = dt.year
    assert yr in YD[:, 0]  # guard...YD should include all years for this person's dates
    position = YD[YD[:, 0] < yr, 1].sum()  # the sum of the days in year before this year
    position += dt.timetuple().tm_yday - 1
    return position

def map_position_to_date(pos, YD):
    Inverse of map_date_to_position, this maps a position in the
    occupancy array back to a datetime value
    yr_offsets = np.cumsum(YD[:, 1])
    day_offsets = yr_offsets - pos
    idx = np.flatnonzero(day_offsets > 0)[0]
    year = YD[idx, 0]
    day_of_year = pos if idx == 0 else pos - yr_offsets[idx-1]
    # construct datetime as first of year plus day offset in year
    dt = datetime.strptime(str(year), "%Y")
    dt += timedelta(days=int(day_of_year)+1)
    return dt


def set_occupancy(dt1, dt2, YD, occupancy, fill_gap_days=0):
    For a date range starting dt1 and ending, inclusively, dt2,
    sets the corresponding 'pixels' in occupancy vector to 1.
    If fill_gap_days > 0, then the end 'pixel' is extended
    (dilated) by this many positions, so that we can fill
    the gaps between intervals that are close to each other.
    pos1 = map_date_to_position(dt1, YD)
    pos2 = map_date_to_position(dt2, YD) + fill_gap_days
    occupancy[pos1:pos2] = 1

一旦我们在占用数组中获得了合并的间隔,我们就需要将它们读回到日期间隔中,如果我们之前完成了间隙填充,则可以选择执行单面侵 eclipse 。

def get_occupancy_intervals(OCC, fill_gap_days=0):
    Find the runs in the OCC array corresponding
    to the 'dilated' consecutive positions, and then
    'erode' back to the correct end dates by subtracting
    the fill_gap_days.
    starts = np.flatnonzero(np.diff(OCC) > 0)  # where runs of nonzeros start
    ends = np.flatnonzero(np.diff(OCC) < 0)  # where runs of nonzeros end
    ends -= fill_gap_days  # erode back to original length prior to dilation
    return [(s, e) for (s, e) in zip(starts, ends)]


def morphology_method(in_data=SAMPLE_DATA, person='1', fill_gap_days=31, printit=False):
    date_format_str = "%m/%d/%Y"
    dat = np.array(in_data)
    dat = dat[dat[:, 0] == person, 1:]  # just this person's data

    # for the intervals of this person, get starting and ending years
    # we assume the data is already sorted
    #start_year = datetime.strptime(dat[0, 0], date_format_str)
    #end_year = datetime.strptime(dat[-1, 1], date_format_str)
    start_times = [datetime.strptime(d, date_format_str) for d in dat[:, 0]]
    end_times = [datetime.strptime(d, date_format_str) for d in dat[:, 1]]
    start_year = start_times[0].year
    end_year = end_times[-1].year

    # create the occupancy array, dilated so that each interval
    # is extended by fill_gap_days to 'fill in' the small gaps
    # between intervals
    YD, OCC = make_occupancy_array(start_year, end_year)
    for (s, e) in zip(start_times, end_times):
        set_occupancy(s, e, YD, OCC, fill_gap_days)

    # return the intervals from OCC after having filled gaps,
    # and trim end dates back to original position.
    consolidated_pos = get_occupancy_intervals(OCC, fill_gap_days)

    # map positions back to date-times
    consolidated_ranges = [(map_position_to_date(s, YD), map_position_to_date(e, YD)) for
                           (s, e) in consolidated_pos]

    if printit:
        print_it(person, consolidated_ranges, date_format_str)

    return consolidated_ranges

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