python 在多个 CPU 核心上传播

标签 python subprocess cpu-usage multiprocess

我有一个使用 subprocess 包在 shell 中运行的 python 代码:, shell=inshell)

当我执行 top 命令时,我发现我只使用了大约 30% 或更少的 CPU。 我意识到有些命令可能使用磁盘而不是CPU,因此我正在计时速度。 在linux系统上运行这个速度似乎比mac 2 core系统慢。

如何将其与线程或多处理包并行化,以便我可以在所述 Linux 系统上使用多个 CPU 核心?


要并行化 中完成的工作,您需要组织代码以使其符合以下基本模式:

# Import the kind of pool you want to use (processes or threads).
from multiprocessing import Pool
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool

# Collect work items as an iterable of single values (eg tuples, 
# dicts, or objects). If you can't hold all items in memory,
# define a function that yields work items instead.
work_items = [
    (1, 'A', True),
    (2, 'X', False),

# Define a callable to do the work. It should take one work item.
def worker(tup):
    # Do the work.

    # Return any results.

# Create a ThreadPool (or a process Pool) of desired size.
# What size? Experiment. Slowly increase until it stops helping.
pool = ThreadPool(4)

# Do work and collect results.
# Or use pool.imap() or pool.imap_unordered().
work_results =, work_items)

# Wrap up.


# Or, in Python 3.3+ you can do it like this, skipping the wrap-up code.
with ThreadPool(4) as pool:
    work_results =, work_items)

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