python - Tensorflow:用动态计算值张量填充张量

标签 python tensorflow

计算了两个张量值,我尝试创建动态形状的张量。 E是张量变量的切片,labelLen_l是占位符,tensorval1和tensorval2是维度1的张量。

num1 = tf.reduce_sum(tf.eye(labelLen_l, dtype=tf.float64)*E, 1) num2 = tf.fill(num1.shape, tensor_val1) num3 = tf.fill(num1.shape, tensor_val2)

上面写着ValueError: Tried to convert 'dims' to a tensor and failed. Error: Cannot convert a partially known TensorShape to a Tensor: <unknown>

我正在尝试计算 num1 + num2 + num3,因此它们的尺寸应该匹配。有什么建议来实现它吗?


您可以使用 tf.shape 来获取张量类型的张量形状。

num2 = tf.fill(num1.shape, tensor_val1)

num3 = tf.fill(num1.shape, tensor_val2)


num2 = tf.fill(tf.shape(num1), tensor_val1)
num3 = tf.fill(tf.shape(num1), tensor_val2)

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