python - 从字符串中删除由字符分隔的特殊符号

标签 python python-3.x

仅当特殊符号 /#$%^&*@0123456789 彼此之间被不在列表中的字符或符号分隔时,如何删除它们。例如:

H8e%&l6&%l@8095o a@/9^65$n228d w%e60$$#&9l3@/c6o5m3e --> Hello and welcome
. #$%#^ --> . #$%#^
,. a3%2%1/3$s*0. d8^! -->,. as. d!
I1^/0^^@9t #$%% i/@4#s 11P17/9$M 5^&* a^$45$5$0n&##^4d 6^&&* I $%^$%^ a8@@94%3*m t3120i36&^1r2&^##0e&^d ---> It #$%% is 11PM 5^&* and 6^&&* I $%^$%^ am tired

我知道简单的 string.replace 在这里不起作用。我尝试了类似的方法,但它也不起作用:

 def _correct_message(message):
    f = re.match(r'[a-zA-Z][/#$%^&*@0123456789​][a-zA-Z]', message)
    if f is not None:
        message = re.sub('[/#$%^&*@0123456789​]', '', message)



import re
s = "H8e%&l6&%l@8095o a@/9^65$n228d w%e60$$#&9l3@/c6o5m3e" 
s1 = "I1^/0^^@9t #$%% i/@4#s 11P17/9$M 5^&* a^$45$5$0n&##^4d 6^&&* I $%^$%^ a8@@94%3*m t3120i36&^1r2&^##0e&^d"
final_string = re.sub("(?<=[a-zA-Z\.\!])[/#\$\%\^\&\*\@0123456789]+(?=[a-zA-Z\.\!])", '', s) 
new_final_string = re.sub("(?<=[a-zA-Z\.\!])[/#\$\%\^\&\*\@0123456789]+(?=[a-zA-Z\.\!])", '', s1)
print(re.sub("(?<=[a-zA-Z\.\!])[/#\$\%\^\&\*\@0123456789]+(?=[a-zA-Z\.\!])", '', ',. a3%2%1/3$s*0. d8^!'))


'Hello and welcome'
It #$%% is 11PM 5^&* and 6^&&* I $%^$%^ am tired
,. as. d!

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