python - 使用 Python Boto3+DjangoRest+React Redux Saga 对 URL 进行签名以上传对象

标签 python reactjs redux boto3 saga

我正在尝试使用 boto3 签署一个网址,如下所示:

    def sign(self, request):
        key = request.GET.get('key', None)
        if key:
           if key.count('.') == 1 and key.count('/') == 1:
               extension = key.split('.')
               if '*' in settings.ALLOWED_FILE_TYPES or extension.lower() in settings.ALLOWED_FILE_TYPES:
                   # Get the service client
                   s3 = boto3.client('s3')
                   # Generate the POST attributes
                   post = s3.generate_presigned_url(
                       {'Bucket': settings.FILE_BUCKET, 'Key': 'tmp/{}'.format(key)},
                   return Response(
                       data={'presigned_post': post}
                   return Response(
                       data="File Type not Allowed"
               return Response(
                   data="Invalid Key"
            return Response(
                data='Missing Key'

我可以生成 URL,然后发出以下请求以在 React 上的 Saga 上上传文件:

    // Generate Signed URL
    const resultSignUrl = yield call([File.custom, 'sign'], {token, params:{key: data.key}});
    let signedUrl = resultSignUrl.presigned_post;
    let options = {
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': file.type
    console.log("SIGN URL", resultSignUrl);
    console.log("SIGN URL file", file);

    // Upload to S3
    const resultUpload = yield call([axios, 'put'], signedUrl, file, options);
    console.log("S3 UPLOAD", resultUpload);

问题是,当我发出请求时,AWS 会回复此内容:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Error><Code>SignatureDoesNotMatch</Code><Message>The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.</Message><AWSAccessKeyId>"SomeAccessKey"</AWSAccessKeyId><StringToSign>PUT

/student-tracker-files/tmp/14a09716-8850-47cb-bf3a-7820f42c97d4/test%20honduras.odt</StringToSign><SignatureProvided>EFqdML8OgILC/L/hoJBqmyhuzRk=</SignatureProvided><StringToSignBytes>50 55 54 0a 0a 61 70 70 6c 69 63 61 74 69 6f 6e 2f 76 6e 64 2e 6f 61 73 69 73 2e 6f 70 65 6e 64 6f 63 75 6d 65 6e 74 2e 74 65 78 74 0a 31 35 31 36 33 31 38 32 37 39 0a 2f 73 74 75 64 65 6e 74 2d 74 72 61 63 6b 65 72 2d 66 69 6c 65 73 2f 74 6d 70 2f 31 34 61 30 39 37 31 36 2d 38 38 35 30 2d 34 37 63 62 2d 62 66 33 61 2d 37 38 32 30 66 34 32 63 39 37 64 34 2f 74 65 73 74 25 32 30 68 6f 6e 64 75 72 61 73 2e 6f 64 74</StringToSignBytes><RequestId>193F6C165445A3E4</RequestId><HostId>odoIo4+4sdVUuDJucnrkzeyJJUYJ5sMDqpS7DAzV3nJvSrN4Eu+7b1Srs2FEQy2aDHuYEakMBGY=</HostId></Error>

谁能告诉我我可能做错了什么?我已经更改了访问 key 和 secret ,但仍然得到相同的响应。我已阅读 boto3 上的文档,但我发现我的代码与他们在示例中显示的代码没有区别。


您应该尝试将内容类型添加到 django boto 函数

ost = s3.generate_presigned_url(
         {'Bucket': settings.FILE_BUCKET,
         'ContentType': request.GET.get('type'),
         'Key': 'tmp/{}'.format(key)},

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