python - 有没有办法实现Python对象属性的占位符?

标签 python attributes



for result in results_set:
    if conditionA:
            # When conditionA is true, test on this_attribute.
            if result.this_attribute == "interesting string":
                    # do things.
            if result.this_attribute == "another interesting string"
                    # do different things.

            # ConditionA is false? Test on that_other_attribute instead.
            if result.that_other_attribute == "interesting string"
                    # do the same exact things as above for "interesting string"
            if result.that_other_attribute == "another interesting string"
                    # do the same exact things as above for "another interesting string"

将条件 A 或条件 B 的测试放在 for 循环内似乎非常低效,因为我处理的结果集可能有数千行长。另外,代码看起来很糟糕,因为我只是在重复自己。

感觉我应该能够在循环发生之前测试条件 A/B,并根据该测试告诉 Python 接下来要比较“结果”的哪个属性。

我测试哪个属性将始终取决于 ConditionA 的值。在不久的将来,我也可能会得到条件 B、C 或 D,这将需要检查结果的第三个、第四个或第五个属性。

目前,我通过使用两个几乎相同的函数来解决这个问题,每个函数都有自己的“for”,但内部没有 ConditionA 测试...但这看起来很糟糕,当 B、C 或 D 滚动时,这将成为一场噩梦。





result = a filler value used only to reference attribute names

if ConditionA:
    check_attribute = result.this_attribute
    check_attribute = result.that_other_attribute

for result in results_set:
    if check_attribute == "interesting string":
        # do things.
    if check_attribute == "another interesting string"
        # do different things.


使用 getattrs 可能会让您到达这里,尽管听起来不太可能。在 for 循环的正上方,你可以这样做

value_to_check = "this_attribute" if conditionA else "that_other_attribute".

是的,那些是字符串。 接下来,在 for 循环中,您可以执行以下操作

result_value = getattr (result, value_to_check)
if result_value == "interesting string": #thing to do
elif result_value == "another interesting string": #other thing to do

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