python - Pandas系列在Python中按月份索引排序(时间序列不同)

标签 python pandas datetime

我有一个 Series 对象,其中包含:

df = 
    index              value
2014-05-23 07:00:00     0.67
2014-05-23 07:30:00     0.47
2014-05-23 08:00:00     0.42
2014-05-23 08:30:00     0.80

2017-07-10 22:00:00     0.42
2017-07-10 22:30:00     0.79
2017-07-10 23:00:00     0.84
2017-07-10 23:30:00     Nan


df_new = 
  index                    value
   Jan      {0.11, 0.5, 0.3, 0.99, ... ,0.13} <-  time step of each value is 
   Feb      {...............................}     still 30 min, and each 
   Mar      {...............................}     value is average of same 
   Apr      {...............................}     time in the other year.  
   Dec      {...............................}



我认为首先需要通过 resample 进行上采样或下采样:

s = s.resample('15Min').ffill()
#s = s.resample('60Min').mean()
#if already 30 minutes values no resample necessary

然后groupby 秒按 DatetimeIndex.strftime转换为ordered CategoricalDatetimeIndex.time ,聚合均值和最后一次 reshape unstack :

cats = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr','May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
months = pd.Categorical(s.index.strftime('%b'), categories=cats, ordered=True)
df = s.groupby([months, s.index.time]).mean().unstack()

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