python - 正则表达式:替换文本,除非它位于引号之间

标签 python regex

我正在开发一个转译器,并希望用 Python 的标记替换我的语言的标记。替换是这样完成的:

for rep in reps:
    pattern, translated = rep;

    # Replaces every [pattern] with [translated] in [transpiled]
    transpiled = re.sub(pattern, translated, transpiled, flags=re.UNICODE)

其中 reps(要替换的正则表达式,要替换的字符串) 有序对的列表,transpiled 是要转换的文本被转译。




import re

transpiled = "A foo with \"foo\" and single quoted 'foo'. It even has an escaped \\'foo\\'!"

reps = [("foo", "bar"), ("and", "or")]

print(transpiled)  # before the changes

for rep in reps:
    pattern, translated = rep
    transpiled = re.sub("(?<=[^\"']){}(?=\\\\?[^\"'])".format(pattern),
                        translated, transpiled, flags=re.UNICODE)
    print(transpiled)  # after each change


A foo with "foo" and single quoted 'foo'. It even has an escaped \'foo\'!
A bar with "foo" and single quoted 'foo'. It even has an escaped \'foo\'!
A bar with "foo" or single quoted 'foo'. It even has an escaped \'foo\'!

UPDATE: If you want to ignore whole quoted swaths of text, not just a quoted word, you'll have to do a bit more work. While you could do it by looking for repeated quotations the whole lookahead/lookbehind mechanism would get really messy and probably far from optimal - it's just easier to separate the quoted from non-quoted text and do replacements only in the former, something like:

import re

QUOTED_STRING = re.compile("(\\\\?[\"']).*?\\1")  # a pattern to match strings between quotes

def replace_multiple(source, replacements, flags=0):  # a convenience replacement function
    if not source:  # no need to process empty strings
        return ""
    for r in replacements:
        source = re.sub(r[0], r[1], source, flags=flags)
    return source

def replace_non_quoted(source, replacements, flags=0):
    result = []  # a store for the result pieces
    head = 0  # a search head reference
    for match in QUOTED_STRING.finditer(source):
        # process everything until the current quoted match and add it to the result
        result.append(replace_multiple(source[head:match.start()], replacements, flags))
        result.append(match[0])  # add the quoted match verbatim to the result
        head = match.end()  # move the search head to the end of the quoted match
    if head < len(source):  # if the search head is not at the end of the string
        # process the rest of the string and add it to the result
        result.append(replace_multiple(source[head:], replacements, flags))
    return "".join(result)  # join back the result pieces and return them


print(replace_non_quoted("A foo with \"foo\" and 'foo', says: 'I have a foo'!", reps))
# A bar with "foo" or 'foo', says: 'I have a foo'!
print(replace_non_quoted("A foo with \"foo\" and foo, says: \\'I have a foo\\'!", reps))
# A bar with "foo" or bar, says: \'I have a foo\'!
print(replace_non_quoted("A foo with '\"foo\" and foo', says - I have a foo!", reps))
# A bar with '"foo" and foo', says - I have a bar!


print(replace_non_quoted("My foo and \"bar\" are like 'moo' and star!",
                        (("(\w+)oo", "oo\\1"), ("(\w+)ar", "ra\\1"))))
# My oof and "bar" are like 'moo' and rast!

但是,如果您的替换不涉及模式并且只需要简单的替换,您可以将 replace_multiple() 辅助函数中的 re.sub() 替换为显着的更快的原生 str.replace()


QUOTE_STRINGS = ("'", "\\'", '"', '\\"')  # a list of substring considered a 'quote'

def replace_multiple(source, replacements):  # a convenience multi-replacement function
    if not source:  # no need to process empty strings
        return ""
    for r in replacements:
        source = source.replace(r[0], r[1])
    return source

def replace_non_quoted(source, replacements):
    result = []  # a store for the result pieces
    head = 0  # a search head reference
    eos = len(source)  # a convenience string length reference
    quote = None  # last quote match literal
    quote_len = 0  # a convenience reference to the current quote substring length
    while True:
        if quote:  # we already have a matching quote stored
            index = source.find(quote, head + quote_len)  # find the closing quote
            if index == -1:  # EOS reached
            result.append(source[head:index + quote_len])  # add the quoted string verbatim
            head = index + quote_len  # move the search head after the quoted match
            quote = None  # blank out the quote literal
        else:  # the current position is not in a quoted substring
            index = eos
            # find the first quoted substring from the current head position
            for entry in QUOTE_STRINGS:  # loop through all quote substrings
                candidate = source.find(entry, head)
                if head < candidate < index:
                    index = candidate
                    quote = entry
                    quote_len = len(entry)
            if not quote:  # EOS reached, no quote found
            result.append(replace_multiple(source[head:index], replacements))
            head = index  # move the search head to the start of the quoted match
    if head < eos:  # if the search head is not at the end of the string
        result.append(replace_multiple(source[head:], replacements))
    return "".join(result)  # join back the result pieces and return them

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