python - 尝试安装程序时,python 上的 ssl 证书验证失败

标签 python ssl-certificate failed-installation

我几乎没有编码经验,正在尝试在我的 mac (osX Yosemite) 上安装一些软件。该软件使用 FSL 软件包来虚拟地可视化神经解剖学。安装说明可以在 找到。 每当我尝试安装它时,我都会收到代码

olegs-MacBook-Air-4:Downloads Sonya$ cd ~/Downloads
olegs-MacBook-Air-4:Downloads Sonya$ python
--- FSL Installer - Version 3.0.11 ---
[Warning] Some operations of the installer require administative rights,
    for example installing into the default folder of /usr/local.
    If your account is an 'Administrator' (you have 'sudo' rights)
    then you will be prompted for your administrator password
    when necessary.
When asked a question, the default answer is given in square brackets.
Hit the Enter key to accept this default answer.

[FAILED] [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:726)
olegs-MacBook-Air-4:Downloads Sonya$


更新 我刚刚再次尝试了相同的命令,现在已经得到了代码

olegs-MacBook-Air-4:~ Sonya$ cd ~/Downloads
olegs-MacBook-Air-4:Downloads Sonya$ python
--- FSL Installer - Version 3.0.11 ---
[Warning] Some operations of the installer require administative rights,
    for example installing into the default folder of /usr/local.
    If your account is an 'Administrator' (you have 'sudo' rights)
    then you will be prompted for your administrator password
    when necessary.
When asked a question, the default answer is given in square brackets.
Hit the Enter key to accept this default answer.

[FAILED] nodename nor servname provided, or not known


不确定您是否仍然遇到问题,但我认为您的问题可能与 this one 相同

解决方案是将python fslinstaller.py更改为/usr/bin/python

如果这不起作用,可能是你的 python 的完整路径错误。您可以使用 which pythonwhich python2which python2.7 找到合适的版本。其中之一可能会起作用

就我而言,我需要运行命令 sudo/usr/bin/python2.7 并且安装程序有效

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