python - Pylint 在以正确的顺序导入时提示

标签 python pylint

我认为Python中导入的正确顺序是问题的第一个答案所描述的顺序: What's the correct way to sort Python `import x` and `from x import y` statements?


import os
import time
import yaml

from collections import OrderedDict
from xtesting.core import testcase

但是,当我运行 Pylint 时,我得到:

C:  5, 0: standard import "from collections import OrderedDict" should be placed before "import yaml" (wrong-import-order)


import os
import time
from collections import OrderedDict
import yaml

from xtesting.core import testcase


PyYAML 不是标准 Python 库的一部分,从标准库导入,无论是通用的 (import os) 还是特定的 (from collections import OrderedDict) 都应该放在第一位.


from collections import OrderedDict
import os
import time

from xtesting.core import testcase
import yaml


import os
import time
from collections import OrderedDict

import yaml
from xtesting.core import testcase


import yaml
from xtesting.core import testcase
from yaml import safe_load

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