python - 相对导入超出顶级包错误

标签 python django django-rest-framework

I have a project named <code>tweetme</code> which has two apps <code>account</code> and <code>tweets</code> 我有一个名为 tweetme 的项目其中有两个应用程序accounttweets ,我有serializers.py文件在两个应用程序中序列化数据。因此,当我尝试从 account/api/ 相对导入序列化器类时到另一个应用程序tweets/api/ ,相对导入显示错误。

enter image description here

1-我第一次尝试完整路径 from src.account.api.serializers import UserDisplaySerializer ,它在控制台中给出错误 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'src'

enter image description here

2- 然后我尝试了 from ...account.api.serializers import UserDisplaySerializer ,其显示错误ValueError: attempted relative import beyond top-level package .




    Directory: D:\django\tweetme\src

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----       26-07-2018     23:56                account
d-----       25-07-2018     13:56                static-storage
d-----       25-07-2018     19:06                template
d-----       26-07-2018     19:39                tweetme
d-----       26-07-2018     10:54                tweets
-a----       25-07-2018     20:17         143360 db.sqlite3
-a----       13-07-2018     22:40            554
-a----       27-07-2018     08:34              0


[![account 中的用户序列化器类应用程序][4]][4]


您似乎在 src 文件夹中缺少

From the python docs

The files are required to make Python treat the directories as containing packages; this is done to prevent directories with a common name, such as string, from unintentionally hiding valid modules that occur later (deeper) on the module search path. In the simplest case, can just be an empty file, but it can also execute initialization code for the package or set the __all__ variable, described later.

删除项目/应用中使用的所有相对导入并使用绝对导入,因为 建议使用绝对导入,因为如果导入系统配置不正确,它们通常更具可读性并且往往表现更好(或至少给出更好的错误消息)

更新 - 1

1. /tweetme/src/tweetme/
中的更改 注释掉两行,因为它们的 没有任何有效模式

urlpatterns = [
    <b># path('',include('account.urls')),
    # path('api',include('account.api.urls'))</b>

if settings.DEBUG:
    urlpatterns += static(settings.STATIC_URL,document_root = settings.STATIC_ROOT)

2. /tweetme/src/tweets/api/
中的更改 将 from src.account.api.serializers import UserDisplaySerializer 更改为 from account.api.serializers import UserDisplaySerializer

from rest_framework import serializers
from ..models import Tweet
<b>from account.api.serializers import UserDisplaySerializer</b>

class TweetModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    user = UserDisplaySerializer()

    class Meta:
        model = Tweet
        fields = ['user', 'content']

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