python - 基于两列标记数据

标签 python pandas dataframe anaconda


id | x1 | text | x2 | num | x3 | class
2nn| TT | word | QQ |  1  | TT | 
2nn| TT | word | QQ |  1  | TT | 
2nn| TT | word | QQ |  1  | TT | 
2nn| TT | word | QQ |  1  | TT | 
2nn| TT | word | QQ |  1  | TT | 
2nn| TT | word | QQ |  1  | TT | 
2nn| TT | word | QQ |  1  | TT | 
2nn| TT | word | QQ |  1  | TT | 
2nn| TT | word | QQ |  1  | TT | 
2nn| TT | word | QQ |  1  | TT | 
2nn| TT | word | QQ |  1  | TT | 
2nn| TT | word | QQ |  1  | TT | # They don't all have the same vals
2nn| TT | word | QQ |  1  | TT | # This is just to illustrate it


class1 = ["",...]
class2 = ["",...]
class3 = ["",...]
class4 = ["",...]
class5 = ["",...] # Multiple strings, I just used '...' for simplicity

我正在尝试在列 class 中分配类这样如果事务(行)的 text 中的单词列包含在 lists 中的任何一个中找到的任何单词,将列表名称指定为类。


我只想对从第 10,000 行开始的数据执行此标记。我正在使用的是:

# last 6000 rows
for index, row in df.tail(6000).iterrows():
    if df[df['text'].str.contains(class1)==True]:
        df.loc[row, 'class'] = "class1"

    if df[df['text'].str.contains(class2)==True]:
        df.loc[row, 'class'] = "class2"

    if df[df['text'].str.contains(class3)==True]:
        df.loc[row, 'class'] = "class3"

    if df[df['text'].str.contains(class4)==True]:
        df.loc[row, 'class'] = "class4"

    if df[df['text'].str.contains(class5)==True]:
        df.loc[row, 'class'] = "class5"


TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

下面是我在尝试 Chris A 的响应时的代码:

# Word bins for the various labels
complaint = ["sucks", "worst", "doesn't", "didn't", "won't", "bad", "horrible", "unusable", "cannot", "can't", "not", "did not", "waste", "hate", "hated", "awful", "useless", "sucked", "freezing", "freezes", "froze", "does not", "crap", "stupid"]

compliment = ["awesome", "great", "amazing", "cool", "good", "nice", "nicest", "successful", "thanks", ":)", "successfully"]

neutral = ["Eh", "meh", "works"]

bug = ["please", "fix", "won't", "cannot", "can't", "not", "freezing", "freezes", "froze", "does not", "did not", "help", "plz"]

feature = ["it would be", "id like", "i'd like", "could", "can you", "implement", "feature", "lacks", "wish"]
def label_data(df):

    d = {'Compliment': compliment,
         'Complaint': complaint,
         'Neutral': neutral,
         'Bug': bug,
         'Feature': feature}

    for name, values in d.items():
        df.loc[df['review'].isin(values), 'label'] = name


df_orig = pd.read_table("PRIVATEPATH/data.txt", delimiter=",")


为此使用列表的 python 字典 可能会有所帮助。

使用 str.contains 时,您还必须通过使用 |(正则表达式“OR”运算符)连接每个值来“构建”正则表达式字符串。


正如您所发现的,这里的一个问题是,以这种方式构建正则表达式模式将要求您转义列表中的任何特殊正则表达式字符。示例 - 您的赞美列表中有“:)”。这需要变成 '\:\)'

d = {'class1': class1,
     'class2': class2,
     'class3': class3,
     'class4': class4}

for name, values in d.items():
    # Create a regex string joining all the values in the list with the regex OR '|'
    pat = '|'.join(values)
    df.loc[df['text'].str.contains(pat), 'class'] = name


df = pd.DataFrame({'id': {0: '2nn',1: '2nn',2: '2nn',3: '2nn',4: '2nn',5: '2nn',6: '2nn',7: '2nn',8: '2nn',9: '2nn',10: '2nn',11: '2nn',12: '2nn'},
                    'x1': {0: 'TT',1: 'TT',2: 'TT',3: 'TT',4: 'TT',5: 'TT',6: 'TT',7: 'TT',8: 'TT',9: 'TT',10: 'TT',11: 'TT',12: 'TT'},
                    'text': {0: 'abc',1: 'abc',2: 'e',3: 'h',4: 'm',5: 'p',6: 'q',7: 'd',8: 's',9: 'j',10: 'h',11: 'o',12: 'z'},
                    'x2': {0: 'QQ',1: 'QQ',2: 'QQ',3: 'QQ',4: 'QQ',5: 'QQ',6: 'QQ',7: 'QQ',8: 'QQ',9: 'QQ',10: 'QQ',11: 'QQ',12: 'QQ'},
                    'num': {0: 1,1: 1,2: 1,3: 1,4: 1,5: 1,6: 1,7: 1,8: 1,9: 1,10: 1,11: 1,12: 1},
                    'x3': {0: 'TT',1: 'TT',2: 'TT',3: 'TT',4: 'TT',5: 'TT',6: 'TT',7: 'TT',8: 'TT',9: 'TT',10: 'TT',11: 'TT',12: 'TT'},
                    'class': {0: np.nan,1: np.nan,2: np.nan,3: np.nan,4: np.nan,5: np.nan,6: np.nan,7: np.nan,8: np.nan,9: np.nan,10: np.nan,11: np.nan,12: np.nan}})

class1 = list('abcde')
class2 = list('fghi')
class3 = list('jklmn')
class4 = list('opqrs')

d = {'class1': class1,
     'class2': class2,
     'class3': class3,
     'class4': class4}

for name, values in d.items():
    pat = '|'.join(values)
    df.loc[df['text'].str.contains(pat), 'class'] = name



     id  x1 text  x2  num  x3   class
0   2nn  TT    a  QQ    1  TT  class1
1   2nn  TT    b  QQ    1  TT  class1
2   2nn  TT    e  QQ    1  TT  class1
3   2nn  TT    h  QQ    1  TT  class2
4   2nn  TT    m  QQ    1  TT  class3
5   2nn  TT    p  QQ    1  TT  class4
6   2nn  TT    q  QQ    1  TT  class4
7   2nn  TT    d  QQ    1  TT  class1
8   2nn  TT    s  QQ    1  TT  class4
9   2nn  TT    j  QQ    1  TT  class3
10  2nn  TT    h  QQ    1  TT  class2
11  2nn  TT    o  QQ    1  TT  class4
12  2nn  TT    z  QQ    1  TT     NaN

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