python - 查找 CSV(数字)中的特定字段值并将其转换为文本值

标签 python pandas csv dataframe

我的 CSV 文件采用以下格式:

,SAFE; 2 moveouts; 0 discharges; ED patient awaiting bed in MAT,0,0,0,0
,Staffing needs,0,0,0,0
,1- 1-1/ Staffing @ 3p- 7a,0,0,0,0
SB- Central Stores,,2,0,0,0
SB - ED Dr. G,,0,0,0,0
,1 pt in restraints,0,0,0,0
,1 Pt in Restraints,0,0,0,0
SB- Pharmacy,@ Risk - Staffing/ Security with Pt who had drug paraphernalia/ 1-1-1,1,0,0,0

我想选择最后四列中大于 1 的值并将其替换为 1。这是我尝试过但失败的代码。

data = pd.read_csv('reordered.csv')
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['sidebars','notes','riskOthers','seriousEvents', 'goodCatches', 'harms'])

# Values to find and their replacements
findL = ['3', '2', '4', '5', '6']
replaceL = ['1', '1', '1', '1', '1']

# Select column (can be A,B,C,D)
col = 'riskOthers';

# Find and replace values in the selected column
df[col] = df[col].replace(findL, replaceL)

在此代码中,我尝试将所有大于 1 的值替换为 1。但出现类型不匹配错误。


这是通过 pd.DataFrame.mask 的矢量化方法:

values = df.iloc[:, -4:]
df.iloc[:, -4:] = values.mask(values > 1, 1)

print(df.iloc[:, -4:])

    riskOthers  seriousEvents  goodCatches  harms
0            0              0            0    0.0
1            0              0            0    0.0
2            1              0            0    0.0
3            0              0            0    0.0
4            0              0            0    0.0
5            0              0            0    0.0
6            1              0            0    0.0
7            0              0            0    0.0
8            1              0            0    0.0
9            0              0            0    0.0
10           0              0            0    0.0
11           0              0            0    0.0
12           0              0            0    0.0
13           1              0            0    NaN

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