python - 从其他列派生 DataFrame 列,无需编写任何循环

标签 python pandas

我有一个包含两列(动词和出现次数)的 DataFrame。我能够创建一个新列来确定动词的字符数(即长度):

df['length'] = df['verb'].str.len()



df['class'] = 'Unique' if df['ocurrence'] == 1 else 'Medium' if df['ocurrence'] <= 5 else 'High'



使用pd.cut :

df['class'] = pd.cut(df.occurrence, bins=[0,1,5,np.inf], labels=['Unique','Medium','High'])


df = pd.DataFrame({'occurrence':np.random.randint(0,10,10)})
>>> df
0           5
1           1
2           6
3           7
4           5
5           7
6           7
7           1
8           2
9           7

df['class'] = pd.cut(df.occurrence, bins=[0,1,5,np.inf], labels=['Unique','Medium','High'])
>>> df
   occurrence   class
0           5  Medium
1           1  Unique
2           6    High
3           7    High
4           5  Medium
5           7    High
6           7    High
7           1  Unique
8           2  Medium
9           7    High

关于python - 从其他列派生 DataFrame 列,无需编写任何循环,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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