python - 迭代文件目录作为模块的输入

标签 python ipython jupyter


import os as os

for file in os.listdir():
    if file.endswith('.fasta'):   
        !python ../ file long


最佳答案表示 shell 命令(例如,带有“!”前缀的行)按字面解释。当您键入“file”时,它会看到“file”,而不是 file 变量的值。

Any input line beginning with a ! character is passed verbatim (minus the !, of course) to the underlying operating system.


IPython also allows you to expand the value of python variables when making system calls. Wrap variables or expressions in {braces}:

In [1]: pyvar = 'Hello world'
In [2]: !echo "A python variable: {pyvar}"
A python variable: Hello world
In [3]: import math
In [4]: x = 8
In [5]: !echo {math.factorial(x)}

For simple cases, you can alternatively prepend $ to a variable name:

In [6]: !echo $sys.argv
In [7]: !echo "A system variable: $$HOME"  # Use $$ for literal $
A system variable: /home/fperez

根据您的情况,请尝试 !python ../ $file long!python ../ {file} long


... 尽管如此,我认为最好只是导入您的其他Python 文件并直接调用其函数。这可能需要一些重新设计,因为importing from a file from one directory up这有点棘手,模块的命令行界面通常与其编程界面不同。

如果您可以将当前文件和 放入同一目录,并找出您实际想要调用的函数的名称,那么您的代码最终将类似于:

import os
import iupred2a as iup

for file in os.listdir():
    if file.endswith('.fasta'):   
        iup.do_the_thing(file, mode="long")

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