python - 如何在Python中完全复制列表?

标签 python

今天我注意到,我无法复制列表。也不使用 .copy() 方法,也不使用切片。它始终引用两个列表。


你能解释一下为什么我的代码不能正确使用 copy()/切片吗?

注意:2 个列表的内容有所不同,但这并不重要,因为我的计划是根据程序稍后编写的条件更改其中的每一项。

def find_next_gen(generation):
    generation2 = [['.' for x in range(n)] for x in range(m)]
    # generation2 = generation1[:] <- didn't work
    # generation2 = generation1.copy() <- didn't work

    for i, row in enumerate(generation1):
        for j, element in enumerate(row):

            # checking alive_neighbours:
            alive_neighbours = 0

            # same row:
            alive_neighbours += check(generation1[i][j - 1] if j != 0 else generation1[i][-1])
            alive_neighbours += check(generation1[i][j + 1] if j != n - 1 else generation1[i][0])

            # row above:
            if i == 0:
                row_num_above = -1
                row_num_above = i - 1
            alive_neighbours += check(generation1[row_num_above][j - 1] if j != 0 else generation1[row_num_above][-1])
            alive_neighbours += check(generation1[row_num_above][j])
            alive_neighbours += check(generation1[row_num_above][j + 1] if j != n - 1 else generation1[row_num_above][0])

            # row beneath:
            if i == m - 1:
                row_num_beneath = 0
                row_num_beneath = i + 1
            alive_neighbours += check(generation1[row_num_beneath][j - 1] if j != 0 else generation1[row_num_beneath][-1])
            alive_neighbours += check(generation1[row_num_beneath][j])
            alive_neighbours += check(generation1[row_num_beneath][j + 1] if j != n - 1 else generation1[row_num_beneath][0])

            # create new generation:
            if generation1[i][j] == 'X' and 3 >= alive_neighbours >= 2 or generation1[i][j] == '.' and alive_neighbours == 3:
                generation2[i][j] = 'X'
                generation2[i][j] = '.'
    return generation2



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