python - 如何设置一种方法,其中传递的参数之一可能没有值?

标签 python methods return


该项目是我正在开发的一款游戏。一种两人游戏,是一个非常基本的 PVP/骰子滚动战斗系统。在这个游戏中,玩家可以拥有某些专长,为自己提供某些奖励,或对对手施加某些惩罚。该专长一旦使用,就无法在同一游戏中再次使用,并且只能在玩家的回合中选择专长。



我在 JSON 中设置了完整的功能列表。该列表相当广泛,但我只会在此处放置与示例相关的部分。正如您将在 JSON 中看到的,只需要壮举的名称和“action”。名称显然就是名称,“ Action ”是用于以某种方式操纵玩家掷骰子的数值。


功能 JSON:

    "titan blow": {
      "stat": "strength",
      "desc": "Your next attack deals 50% more damage, can only be used once per fight.",
      "requirements": [13, 10, 0, 0, "greater crushing blow"],
      "status": "active",
      "action": 0.5
    "crippling blow": {
      "stat": "strength",
      "desc": "You strike your opponent with such a force that it hinders their own attempts to strike back, given them a -1 to their next attack.",
      "requirements": [3, 6, 4, 0, "none", 0],
      "status": "active",
      "action": -1
    "improved crippling blow": {
      "stat": "strength",
      "desc": "improves crippling blow to -3 to their next attack.",
      "requirements": [7, 8, 5, 0, "crippling blow"],
      "status": "active",
      "action": -3
    "greater crippling blow": {
      "stat": "strength",
      "desc": "improves crippling blow to -5 to their next attack.",
      "requirements": [9, 9, 6, 0, "improved crippling blow"],
      "status": "active",
      "action": -5


   def pOneFeatUsed(self):
        featDict = gameFeats.featDict()[0]
        feat = ""
        while feat != "none":
            feat = input("Do you wish to use a feat? (type full name of feat here, or 'none'): ")
            if feat == 'power attack' or feat == 'combat expertise' or feat == 'defensive fighting' or feat == 'masochist':
                print(feat + " is a passive feat, and will be determined after this.")
            elif feat in self.pOneInfo['feats taken']:
                return [feat, featDict[0][feat]['action']]
            elif feat not in self.pOneInfo['feats taken'] and feat != "none":
                print("Either you do not have that feat, or you did not type it correctly")

就像 featUsed 方法一样,有一个 'defineHitPTwo' 方法,其代码基本上完全相同,仅用于playerTwo 的攻击

   def determineHitPOne(self):
            pOneToHit = self.pOneInfo['hit']
            pTwoAC = self.pTwoInfo['ac']
            for word in self.pOneInfo["feats taken"]:
                if word == "power attack":
                    self.pOnepMod = self.pOnePowerAttack()
                if word == "combat expertise":
                    self.pOnecMod = self.pOneCombatExpertise()
                if word == "defensive fighting":
                    self.pOnedMod = self.pOneDefensiveFighting()
                if word == "masochist":
                    self.pOnemMod = self.pOneMasochist()
            pMod = self.pOnepMod
            cMod = self.pOnecMod
            dMod = self.pOnedMod
            mMod = self.pOnemMod
            pTwodMod = self.pTwodMod
            pTwomMod = self.pTwomMod
            hit = random.randint(1, 20)
            total = int(hit + pOneToHit - pMod + cMod - dMod + mMod)
            print("Roll: " + str(hit) + " Base: " + str(pOneToHit) + " PA: " + str(pMod) + " CE: " + str(cMod) + " DF: " + str(dMod) + " MC: " + str(mMod))
            totalAC = pTwoAC + pTwodMod - pTwomMod
            print("P2 AC: " + str(pTwoAC) + " DF: " + str(pTwodMod) + " MC: " + str(pTwomMod))
            if total >= totalAC:
                print(self.playerOne + " rolled a " + str(total) + " to hit an AC " + str(totalAC) + " and was successful.")
                self.pTwodMod = 0
                self.pTwomMod = 0
                print(self.playerTwo + " rolled a " + str(total) + " to hit an AC " + str(totalAC) + " and missed.")
                self.pTwodMod = 0
                self.pTwomMod = 0


   def determineHitPOne(self, pOneFeatUsed = ["none", 0], pTwoFeatUsed = ["none", 0]):

尝试为变量分配默认列表,但是1)据我了解,这是不好的使用,因为数据是可变的,并且不会提供所需的结果? 2)这甚至没有调用所需的方法,如果我放入方法'pOneFeatUsed = self.pOneFeatUsed(),它显然会调用方法本身并执行它,而不是分配它的值。


def determineHitPOne(self, pOneFeatUsed = None, pTwoFeatUsed = None):
    if pOneFeatUsed is None:
        pOneFeatUsed = ["none", 0]
    if pTwoFeatUsed is None:
        pTwoFeatUsed = ["none", 0]

但是,我再次不确定如何调用该方法,以便获得其中分配的值(如果有的话),或者如果玩家还没有分配默认值 ["none", 0]还没有轮到,没有要分配的值。





def determineHitPOne(self, pOneFeatUsed=None, pTwoFeatUsed=None):

您将 pOneFeatUsed 定义为新变量,实质上忽略了 pOneFeatUsed 方法的存在。此语法不会调用您想要的方法,它将创建一个具有该名称的新变量,然后 A) 如果您没有为该参数提供值,则为其分配 None ,或者 B) 分配任何值您提供的。


def pOneFeatUsed(self):
    featDict = gameFeats.featDict()[0]
    self.p1_last_feat = None
    while self.p1_last_feat is not None:
       self.p1_last_feat = input("Do you wish to use a feat? (type full name of feat here, or 'none'): ")
        if self.p1_last_feat == 'none':
            self.p1_last_feat = None
        elif self.p1_last_feat in ('power attack', 'combat expertise', 'defensive fighting', 'masochist'):
            print(self.p1_last_feat + " is a passive feat, and will be determined after this.")
        elif self.p1_last_feat in self.pOneInfo['feats taken']:
            print(featDict[0][self.p1_last_feat ]['action'])
            return [self.p1_last_feat , featDict[0][self.p1_last_feat ]['action']]
        else self.p1_last_feat not in self.pOneInfo['feats taken']:
            print("Either you do not have that feat, or you did not type it correctly")

然后,您不必再次尝试调用该方法,只需检查 last_feat 的状态

def determineHitPOne(self):
    if self.p1_last_feat is None:
        pOneFeatUsed = ["none", 0]
    if self.p2_last_feat is None:
        pTwoFeatUsed = ["none", 0]


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