python - pygame 中的碰撞不起作用(对象发生碰撞但代码未触发)

标签 python python-3.x pygame

我正在为学校项目制作 Pygame 程序。玩家角色将穿过敌方 Sprite 而不触发碰撞。我该如何解决这个问题?

如果两个 Sprite 之间有任何重叠,则应运行 CODE。

if CharY > thing_starty and CharY < thing_starty + Enemy2_height or CharY+PCHeight > thing_starty and CharY + PCHeight < thing_starty + Enemy2_height:
    if CharX > thing_startx and CharX < thing_startx + Enemy2_width or CharX + PCWidth > thing_startx and CharX + PCWidth < thing_startx + Enemy2_width:



# detects collisions
charRect  = pg.Rect(CharX, CharX, PCWidth, PCHeight)
enemyRect = pg.Rect(thing_startx, thing_starty, Enemy2_width, Enemy2_height)
if charRect.colliderect(enemyRect):
    # [...]
    # CODE


范围 [x1, x1+w1] 与范围 [x2, x2+w2] 重叠如果满足以下条件:

intersect = x1 < x2+w2 and x2 < x1+w1

注意,w1w2 必须大于 0。


if CharX < thing_startx + Enemy2_width  and thing_startx < CharX + PCWidht and \
   CharY < thing_starty + Enemy2_height and thing_starty < CharY + PCHeight
    # [...]
    # CODE

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