python - 当对象处于事件状态时,lxml 对象标识符似乎会被重用

标签 python lxml

我在 Ubuntu 上使用 Python 3.6.8 和 lxml-4.3.4。

我所追求的是将大型 XML 内容分解为片段文件,以便更容易工作,并保留已解析元素的源文件名和行号,以便我可以形成有用的解析时错误消息。当 XML 格式良好时,我将引发的错误特定于我的应用程序。

以下是一些示例 XML 片段文件:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

我的计划是使用 lxml 来解析每个文件,然后简单地将元素树拼接在一起以获得单个根。然后我的程序的其余部分可以消耗整个树。

如果元素的内容对我的应用程序无效,我想给出它来自的片段文件和行号。 lxml 已经有行号,但没有源文件。所以我想追踪这一点。请注意,我决定不尝试扩展 lxml 的类,而是使用元素对象标识符到片段文件的映射,我希望即使 lxml 重构其源代码,它也是持久的。

from lxml import etree

# Too much data for one source file, so let's define
# fragment files, each of which looks like a stand
# alone XML file w/ header and root <data>...</data>
# to make syntax highlighters happy.
xmlFragmentFiles = ['one.xml', 'two.xml']

# lxml tracks line number for parsed elements, but not
# source filename. Rather than try to extend the deep
# inner classes of the module, let's try keeping a map
# from parsed elements to fragment file they just came
# from.
element2fragment = {}
def AddFragmentFileToETree(element, fragmentFile):
  # The entry we're just about to add.
  print('%s:%s' % (id(element), fragmentFile))
  element2fragment[id(element)] = fragmentFile
  for child in element:
    AddFragmentFileToETree(child, fragmentFile)

# Fabricate a root that we'll stitch each fragment's
# children onto as we parse them.
root = etree.fromstring('<data></data>')
AddFragmentFileToETree(root, 'Programmatic Root')

for filename in xmlFragmentFiles:
  # It doesn't seem to matter whether we create a new
  # parser per fragment, or reuse a single parser.
  parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_comments=True)
  subroot = etree.parse(filename, parser).getroot()  
  for child in subroot:
    AddFragmentFileToETree(child, filename)

# Clearly the final desired tree is here, and presumably
# all the subelements we care about are reachable from
# the programmatic root meaning the objects are still
# live, so why did any object identifier get reused?
  root, encoding=str, pretty_print=True))

当我运行这个程序时,我可以看到整个所需的树以及片段文件的每个不同元素都带有 pretty-print 。但是,查看我们插入的映射条目,我们可以清楚地看到对象正在被重用!?

140611035114248:Programmatic Root
140611035114056:one.xml <-- see here
140611035114056:one.xml <-- and here
140611035114056:two.xml <-- and here
140611035114056:two.xml <-- and again
  <two>22</two>   <-- yet all distinct elements still exist

有什么关于这些对象的建议吗?也许我应该远离 lxml,它是一个 C 库?我切换到 lxml 只是为了行号跟踪。



他们警告说 python Element 代理是无状态的,

Element instances are created and garbage collected at need, so there is normally no way to predict when and how often a proxy is created for them.


proxy_cache = list(root.iter())

这对我有用。我认为当元素具有对子元素的实时引用时,根就足够了,但代理显然是根据 C 中维护的真实树的需要出现的。

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