python - 在数千个文件夹中查找图像相似性

标签 python

我已经拼凑/编写了一些代码(感谢 stackoverflow 用户!),使用 imagehash 检查图像的相似性,但现在我在检查数千个图像(大约 16,000 个)时遇到问题。我是否可以通过代码(或完全不同的路线)改进任何内容,以更准确地找到匹配项和/或减少所需的时间?谢谢!

我首先将创建的列表更改为 itertools 组合,因此它仅比较图像的唯一组合。

new_loc = os.chdir(r'''myimagelocation''')
dirloc = os.listdir(r'''myimagelocation''')

duplicates = []
dup = []

for f1, f2 in itertools.combinations(dirloc,2):
    #Honestly not sure which hash method to use, so I went with dhash.
    dhash1 = imagehash.dhash(
    dhash2 = imagehash.dhash(
    hashdif = dhash1 - dhash2

    if hashdif < 5:  #May change the 5 to find more accurate matches
            print("images are similar due to dhash", "image1", f1, "image2", f2)

    #Setting up a CSV file with the similar images to review before deleting
    with open("duplicates.csv", "w") as myfile:
        wr = csv.writer(myfile)
        wr.writerows(zip(duplicates, dup)) 



尝试一下,不要在比较时对每个图像进行散列(127,992,000 个散列),而是提前散列并比较散列,因为这些散列不会改变(16,000 个散列)。

new_loc = os.chdir(r'''myimagelocation''')
dirloc = os.listdir(r'''myimagelocation''')

duplicates = []
dup = []

hashes = []

for file in dirloc:
    hashes.append((file, imagehash.dhash(

for pair1, pair2 in itertools.combinations(hashes,2):
    f1, dhash1 = pair1
    f2, dhash2 = pair2
    #Honestly not sure which hash method to use, so I went with dhash.
    hashdif = dhash1 - dhash2

    if hashdif < 5:  #May change the 5 to find more accurate matches
            print("images are similar due to dhash", "image1", f1, "image2", f2)

#Setting up a CSV file with the similar images to review before deleting
with open("duplicates.csv", "w") as myfile: # also move this out of the loop so you arent rewriting the file every time
    wr = csv.writer(myfile)
    wr.writerows(zip(duplicates, dup)) 

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