python - keras 用于添加两个密集层

标签 python tensorflow keras

有两个输入 x 和 u,生成输出 y。 x、u、y 之间存在线性关系,即 y = x wx + u wx。我正在尝试根据数据计算 wx 和 wu 。这是模型构建/拟合的代码。

    n_train = 400
    n_val = 100
    train_u = u[:(n_train+n_val)]
    train_x = x[:(n_train+n_val)]
    train_y = y[:(n_train+n_val)]
    test_u = u[(n_train+n_val):]
    test_x = x[(n_train+n_val):]
    test_y = y[(n_train+n_val):]
    val_u = train_u[-n_val:]
    val_x = train_x[-n_val:]
    val_y = train_y[-n_val:]
    train_u = train_u[:-n_val]
    train_x = train_x[:-n_val]
    train_y = train_y[:-n_val]

    # RNN derived classes want a shape of (batch_size, timesteps, input_dim)
    # batch_size. One sequence is one sample. A batch is comprised of one or more samples.
    # timesteps. One time step is one point of observation in the sample.
    # input_dim. number of observation at a time step.
    # I believe n_train = one_epoch = batch_size * time_steps, features = nx_lags or nu_lags
    # I also thing an epoch is one pass through the training data

    n_batches_per_epoch = 8
    n_iterations_per_batch = round(n_train / n_batches_per_epoch)
    batch_size = n_batches_per_epoch
    time_steps = n_iterations_per_batch
    features_x = train_x.shape[1]
    features_u = train_u.shape[1]
    features_y = train_y.shape[1]

    keras_train_u = train_u.values.reshape((batch_size, time_steps, features_u))
    keras_train_x = train_x.values.reshape((batch_size, time_steps, features_x))
    keras_train_y = train_y.reshape((batch_size, time_steps, features_y))
    keras_val_u = val_u.values.reshape((2, time_steps, features_u))
    keras_val_x = val_x.values.reshape((2, time_steps, features_x))
    keras_val_y = val_y.reshape((2, time_steps, features_y))
    keras_test_u = test_u.values.reshape((1, test_u.shape[0], features_u))
    keras_test_x = test_x.values.reshape((1, test_u.shape[0], features_x))
    keras_test_y = test_y.reshape((1, test_u.shape[0], features_y))

    print('u.values.shape: ', u.values.shape)
    # Now try a tensorflow model
    # x_input = keras.Input(shape=(batch_size, time_steps, features_x), name='x_input')
    # u_input = keras.Input(shape=(batch_size, time_steps, features_u), name='u_input')
    x_input = keras.Input(shape=(time_steps, features_x), name='x_input')
    u_input = keras.Input(shape=(time_steps, features_u), name='u_input')
    da = layers.Dense(ny, name='dense_a', use_bias=False)(x_input)
    db = layers.Dense(ny, name='dense_b', use_bias=False)(u_input)
    output = layers.Add()([da, db])

    model = keras.Model(inputs=[x_input, u_input], outputs=output)

    model.compile(optimizer=keras.optimizers.RMSprop(),  # Optimizer
                  # Loss function to minimize
                  # List of metrics to monitor
    print('keras_train_x.shape: ', keras_train_x.shape)
    print('keras_train_u.shape: ', keras_train_u.shape)
    print('keras_train_y.shape: ', keras_train_y.shape)
    print('keras_val_x.shape: ', keras_val_x.shape)
    print('keras_val_u.shape: ', keras_val_u.shape)
    print('keras_val_y.shape: ', keras_val_y.shape)
    history =[keras_train_x, keras_train_u], keras_train_y,
                        # We pass some validation for
                        # monitoring validation loss and metrics
                        # at the end of each epoch
                        validation_data=([keras_val_x, keras_val_u], keras_val_y))


Model: "model"
Layer (type)                    Output Shape         Param #     Connected to                     
x_input (InputLayer)            [(None, 50, 7)]      0                                            
u_input (InputLayer)            [(None, 50, 7)]      0                                            
dense_a (Dense)                 (None, 50, 2)        14          x_input[0][0]                    
dense_b (Dense)                 (None, 50, 2)        14          u_input[0][0]                    
add (Add)                       (None, 50, 2)        0           dense_a[0][0]                    
Total params: 28
Trainable params: 28
Non-trainable params: 0
keras_train_x.shape:  (8, 50, 7)
keras_train_u.shape:  (8, 50, 7)
keras_train_y.shape:  (8, 50, 2)
keras_val_x.shape:  (2, 50, 7)
keras_val_u.shape:  (2, 50, 7)
keras_val_y.shape:  (2, 50, 2)
Train on 8 samples, validate on 2 samples

Epoch 1/3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 487, in <module>
  File "/", line 481, in main
    rnn_prediction = x.rnn_n_steps(y_measured, u_control, n_to_predict)
  File "", line 387, in rnn_n_steps
    validation_data=([keras_val_x, keras_val_u], keras_val_y))
  File "venv\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\keras\engine\", line 780, in fit
  File "venv\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\keras\engine\", line 363, in model_iteration
    batch_outs = f(ins_batch)
  File "venv\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\keras\", line 3292, in __call__
  File "venv\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\client\", line 1458, in __call__
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: Can not squeeze dim[2], expected a dimension of 1, got 2
     [[{{node metrics/sparse_categorical_accuracy/Squeeze}}]]

Process finished with exit code 1



Keras 分类准确性指标期望输出和标签形状为 (batch_size,num_classes)。错误消息中的 dim[2] 表示输出形状为 3d:(None,50,2)

简单的解决方法是通过任何方式确保输出层为每个批处理的每个类提供一个预测 - 即具有形状(batch_size,num_classes) - 其中可以通过ReshapeFlatten来完成。

更好的解决办法是根据设计需求改变输入输出拓扑 - 即,您到底要分类什么?您的数据维度表明您寻求对各个时间步进行分类 - 在这种情况下,一次一个时间步馈送数据:(batch_size,features)。或者,在批处理轴中提供时间步,一次一批,因此 1000 个时间步将对应于 (1000,features) - 但> 如果模型具有任何有状态层,则执行此操作,该层将每个批处理轴条目视为独立序列

要使用 timesteps>1 对序列进行分类,请再次确保图层数据流最终产生 2d 输出。

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