python - 我怎样才能回到循环的开头?

标签 python while-loop break continue



我创建了三个函数。 第一个函数 - 返回玩家输入 第二个函数 - 返回以磅为单位的重量 第三个函数 - 如果重量为正,则返回以磅为单位的值;如果重量为负,则要求另一个输入。

 # function that asks for player input in kg
    def weight_input () :
      return float (input ("Enter valid weight: "))

    weight_kg = weight_input()

    # formula to convert kg into pounds
    def weight_conversion():
      return 2.2 * weight_kg

    weight_pds = weight_conversion ()

    def weight_info () :
      while True :
        if weight_kg > 0 : # if weight > 0 we return the weight in pds
          return weight_pds
        else :
          print("Invalid weight.")
          continue  # go back to the start of the loop and ask for input
      return weight_pds

    print (weight_info () )

如果相同的值为正值,我的程序将返回正确的值。然而,当我输入负 float 时,我的程序永远打印“无效重量”。有人告诉我,每当我在循环内写入 continue 时,我都会返回到同一循环的开头,但是我无法停止我的程序。




# function that asks for player input in kg
def weight_input () :
  return float (input ("Enter valid weight: "))

# formula to convert kg into pounds
def weight_conversion(weight_kg):
  return 2.2 * weight_kg

def weight_info () :
  while True :
    weight_kg = weight_input()
    if weight_kg > 0 : # if weight > 0 we return the weight in pds
      return weight_conversion (weight_kg)
    else :
      print("Invalid weight.")
      continue  # go back to the start of the loop and ask for input
  return weight_pds

print (weight_info () )


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