python - Matplotlib 绘制数百个矩形轮廓

标签 python python-3.x matplotlib plot graph

我想使用 matplotlib 绘制一些矩形轮廓。问题是,我需要大量的矩形,所以绘制矩形的“正常”方式非常慢。我使用 How to speed up plot... 解决了这个问题。问题是,我无法再使用 fill=None 绘制矩形的边缘。或edgecolor=...facecolor=None .


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle

def plot_rectangle_from_area(area, color):
    """Plot a rectangle for a given area with color"""
    return Rectangle(xy=(area["min_x"], area["min_y"]), width=area["max_x"] - area["min_x"],
                     height=area["max_y"] - area["min_y"],
                     fill=None)  #  linewidth=0, edgecolor=color, facecolor=None, zorder=100, alpha=0, 

sample_areas = [{"min_x": -1, "max_x": 0.4, "min_y": 0.7, "max_y": 1},
                {"min_x": 0.5, "max_x": 1, "min_y": 0.1, "max_y": 0.5}]
rectangles = []

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# ... print some contour via meshgrid

if sample_areas:
    for area_i in sample_areas:
        rectangles.append(plot_rectangle_from_area(area_i, color="r"))
#   ... some more cases

# Append the rectangles all at once instead of on their own, see:

# ... legend, save, grid, ...

首先,我为所有矩形创建一个数组,附加到它并使用 PatchCollection 来绘制它 1 。下面的示例执行完全相同的操作,只是没有 PatchCollection 并且工作正常。

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle

def plot_rectangle_from_area(area, color):
    """Plot a rectangle from given area"""
    return Rectangle(xy=(area["min_x"], area["min_y"]), width=area["max_x"] - area["min_x"],
                     height=area["max_y"] - area["min_y"],
                     fill=None)  #  linewidth=0, edgecolor=color, facecolor=None, zorder=100, alpha=0, 

sample_areas = [{"min_x": -1, "max_x": 0.4, "min_y": 0.7, "max_y": 1},
                {"min_x": 0.5, "max_x": 1, "min_y": 0.1, "max_y": 0.5}]

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

if sample_areas:
    for area_i in sample_areas:
        ax.add_patch(plot_rectangle_from_area(area_i, color="r"))

这是我用这两个代码创建的一些图。左边是使用慢速方法得到的期望结果,右边是我使用 PatchCollection 得到的结果:

我尝试了填充、边缘颜色、面部颜色的多种组合,甚至还尝试了 here 中 zorder 的建议。 .



是的 - 查看 PatchCollection 的文档,有一个名为 match_original 的参数,当 True 时,该参数将设置面片的属性以匹配原始矩形的属性。



ax.add_collection(PatchCollection(rectangles, match_original=True))

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