Python With MySQL 用于拆分 json 数据并将多行插入到表中

标签 python mysql

我正在使用 python 开发 MySQL DB。我创建了一个名为“系统”的表。 我想将数据插入表中。

我的 table : id Typeid 类型

列。 我从 API 获取 JSON 格式的数据作为表的输入。 即 {"Typeid":"1","types":"a,b,c,d,e"}


id  Typeid  Typed
1    1       a
2    1       b
3    1       c
4    1       d
5    1       e

我希望这可以在 python 脚本中完成。 我有用于将数据插入表的脚本。首先检查表中是否存在数据,然后将数据插入表中。

def POSTSubsystem():
     #Fetching the json data sent from the client application and storing it into a variable.   
     std_json = request.json
     #storing Model_Name json value into a variable.
     Type_name = std_json['Type_name']
     Typed= std_json['Typed']
     #Sql Query to check for where the data exists or not 
     check_query = "SELECT Typeid,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Types_data_table WHERE Typed="+'"'+str(Typed)+'"'+") as `Sub_COUNT` FROM Types WHERE Type_name="+'"'+str(Type_name)+'"'+";"
      #Fetching the data and storing it into data frame from the function
     results = sql_connection(check_query,"retrive")
      #checking if the Data frame contains any value
     if len(results) != 0:
         model_id = results.iloc[0]['Typeid']
         #checking the results contain any vlaue to it. Here >1 implies number of row/Count of row that query retrives
         if results.iloc[0]['Sub_COUNT'] >= 1:
             #send message if the model already exists in the data base
             resp = jsonify('Subsystem already exists!')
             return resp
             #query to insert the new data received json value from client into database 
             query = "INSERT INTO Types_data_table (Typeid,Typed) VALUES("+ str(Typeid)+',"'+str(Typed)+'"'+");"
             #fetching the response from the server
             resu = sql_connection(query,"inst")
             #sending the response to client
             resp = jsonify('Subsystem added successfully!')
             return resp
            x =  '{"Message":"No Data Available For this model"}'
            return (x)
except mysql.connector.ProgrammingError as err:
    return err.msg

仅当数据是单个字符串时才有效。 但希望在Python中将数据拆分并插入到Table中

subs2 = Typed.split(',')
#this splits the data with comma separated and stores into the variable

我想将 sub2 数据插入到表中,就像上面写的预期输出一样。 提前致谢。


简单的方法是向此函数添加 for 循环:

def POSTSubsystem():
      #Fetching the json data sent from the client application and storing it into a variable.   
 std_json = request.json
 #storing Model_Name json value into a variable.
 Type_name = std_json['Type_name']
 Typed= std_json['Typed']
 subs2 = Typed.split(',')
 for ids in subs2 :
 #Sql Query to check for where the data exists or not 
 check_query = "SELECT Typeid,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Types_data_table WHERE Typed="+'"'+str(ids)+'"'+") as `Sub_COUNT` FROM Types WHERE Type_name="+'"'+str(Type_name)+'"'+";"
  #Fetching the data and storing it into data frame from the function
 results = sql_connection(check_query,"retrive")
  #checking if the Data frame contains any value
 if len(results) != 0:
     model_id = results.iloc[0]['Typeid']
     #checking the results contain any vlaue to it. Here >1 implies number of row/Count of row that query retrives
     if results.iloc[0]['Sub_COUNT'] >= 1:
         #send message if the model already exists in the data base
         resp = jsonify('Subsystem already exists!')
         #return resp
         #query to insert the new data received json value from client into database 
         query = "INSERT INTO Types_data_table (Typeid,Typed) VALUES("+ str(Typeid)+',"'+str(ids)+'"'+");"
         #fetching the response from the server
         resu = sql_connection(query,"inst")
         #sending the response to client
         resp = jsonify('Subsystem added successfully!')
         #return resp
        resp =  '{"Message":"No Data Available For this model"}'
        #return (x)
return resp
except mysql.connector.ProgrammingError as err:
return err.msg

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