python - 如何在 while 循环中记录数据值?

标签 python logging

我正在尝试记录每个循环中的数据值。我的问题是代码仅记录一项,而不是每 0.5 秒记录一次新的 TF 和 TC 值。我的相关代码是:

import time  
import math 
import os  
from time import strftime
import string
while True:
    Vmid = chan0.voltage
    Vthermistor = (Vsource - Vmid)
    Current = Vmid/Rfixed
    Rthermistor = Vthermistor / Current
    Ratio = Rthermistor / Rref
    print(' Vmid = %6.2f Vthermistor = %6.2f  Current = %8.4e' % (Vmid , Vthermistor, Current))
    X = math.log(Ratio)
    TK = 1/(A1 + B1*X + C1*X*X + D1*X*X*X)
    TC = TK - 273.15
    TF = TC * 1.8 + 32
    print(' Temperatures deg K %6.2f  deg C %6.2f   deg F %6.2f\n' % (TK, TC, TF))
    # hang out and do nothing for a half second
    log = open('log.txt', 'w') #open a text file for logging
    log.write('%s,%f,%f' % (strftime("%H:%M"), TF, TC)) #write to log


open() 模式从 w(写入,每次都会覆盖文件)更改为 a(追加)。


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