python - 将函数应用于数据框列的最有效方法

标签 python pandas

我有一个非常大的数据框,里面装满了歌词。我已经标记了歌词列,因此每一行都是歌词列表,即 ["You", "say", "goodbye", "and", "I", "say", "hello"]等等。我编写了一个函数来使用正面单词和负面单词列表来计算情绪分数。然后,我需要将此函数应用于歌词列,以计算积极情绪、消极情绪和净情绪,并将它们设为新列。

我尝试将数据帧拆分为 1000 个 block 的列表,然后循环应用,但仍然需要相当长的时间。我想知道是否有一种更有效的方法可以做到这一点,或者这是否是最好的,我只需要等待。

def sentiment_scorer(row):  
    for item in row['lyrics']:
        # count positive words
        if item in positiv:
            pos += 1
        # count negative words
        elif item in negativ:
            neg += 1
        # ignore words that are neither negative nor positive
    # set sentiment to 0 if pos is 0
    if pos < 1:
        pos_sent = 0
        pos_sent = pos / len(row['lyrics'])
    # set sentiment to 0 if neg is 0
    if neg < 1:
        neg_sent = 0
        neg_sent = neg / len(row['lyrics'])
    # return positive and negative sentiment to make new columns
    return pos_sent, neg_sent

# chunk data frames
n = 1000  
list_df = [lyrics_cleaned_df[i:i+n] for i in range(0,lyrics_cleaned_df.shape[0],n)]

for lr in range(len(list_df)):
    # credit for method: toto_tico on Stack Overflow
    list_df[lr]['positive_sentiment'], list_df[lr]['negative_sentiment'] = zip(*list_df[lr].apply(sentiment_scorer, axis=1))
    list_df[lr]['net_sentiment'] = list_df[lr]['positive_sentiment'] - list_df[lr]['negative_sentiment']


data = [['ego-remix', 2009, 'beyonce-knowles', 'Pop', ['oh', 'baby', 'how']], 
        ['then-tell-me', 2009, 'beyonce-knowles', 'Pop', ['playin', 'everything', 'so']], 
        ['honesty', 2009, 'beyonce-knowles', 'Pop', ['if', 'you', 'search']]]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['song', 'year', 'artist', 'genre', 'lyrics'])  



data = [['ego-remix', 2009, 'beyonce-knowles', 'Pop', ['oh', 'baby', 'how', "d"]], 
        ['then-tell-me', 2009, 'beyonce-knowles', 'Pop', ['playin', 'everything', 'so']], 
        ['honesty', 2009, 'beyonce-knowles', 'Pop', ['if', 'you', 'search']]]

df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['song', 'year', 'artist', 'genre', 'lyrics'])


lyrics = pd.DataFrame(df.lyrics.values.tolist())

#           0            1       2      3
# 0        oh         baby     how      d
# 1    playin   everything      so   None   # Null rows need to be accounted for 
# 2        if          you  search   None   # Null rows need to be accounted for

然后,如果您有两个包含积极情绪词和消极情绪词的列表(如下所示),您可以使用 mean() 方法计算每行的情绪(歌词)。

# positive and negative sentiment words
pos = ['baby', 'you']
neg = ['if', 'so']

# When converting the lyrics list to a new dataframe, it will contain Null values
# when the length of the lists are not the same. Therefore these need to be scaled 
# according to the proportion of null values
null_rows = lyrics.notnull().mean(1)

# Calculate the proportion of positive and negative words, accounting for null values
pos_sent = lyrics.isin(pos).mean(1) / null_rows 
neg_sent = lyrics.isin(neg).mean(1) / null_rows 

# pos_sent
# 0    0.250000
# 1    0.000000
# 2    0.333333

# neg_sent 
# 0    0.000000
# 1    0.333333
# 2    0.333333

如果我完全理解您的问题,那么您应该能够使用df['pos'] = pos_sentdf['neg'] = neg_sent。我想可能存在一些问题,所以请告诉我这是否在正确的范围内。

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