
标签 python mysql python-3.x multiprocessing

我正在使用 multiprocessing.Pool 运行多个进程

每个进程都必须查询我的 mysql 数据库。




  • 这是正确的吗?

当我寻找答案时,我偶然发现了这个问答 How to share a single MySQL database connection between multiple processes in Python

所以我查找了 Class pooling.MySQLConnectionPool


  • 这是正确的吗?

但后来我发现了这个问答 Accessing a MySQL connection pool from Python multiprocessing


sharing a database connection (or connection pool) between different processes would be a bad idea (and i highly doubt it would even work correctly),


so each process using it's own connections is actually what you should aim for.


  • 我应该为每个工作人员创建一个连接吗? 那么 mysql 池有什么用呢?

mata 在他的回答中给出的例子似乎足够合理,但我不明白将整个池作为 init 参数传递

p = Pool(initializer=init)
  • 为什么?(正如 ph_singer 在评论中指出的,这不是一个好的解决方案)

将阻塞的 方法更改为 Pool.map_async() 并将连接从池发送到 map_async(q, ConnObj) 应该就足够了吗?

  • 这是正确的吗?


The only way of utilizing one single pool with many processes is having one dedicated process which does all the db access communicate with it using a queue


If you need large numbers of concurrent workers, but they're not using the DB all the time, you should have a group of database worker processes that handle all database access and exchange data with your other worker processes. Each database worker process has a DB connection. The other processes only talk to the database via your database workers.

Python's multiprocessing queues, fifos, etc offer appropriate messaging features for that.

  • 这真的是正确的吗?

mysql 池的目的不是处理进程的请求并将它们中继到可用连接吗?



找到 Share connection to postgres db across processes in Python

You can't sanely share a DB connection across processes like that. You can sort-of share a connection between threads, but only if you make sure the connection is only used by one thread at a time. That won't work between processes because there's client-side state for the connection stored in the client's address space.


Basically, the idea is to create a connection pool in the main process, and then in each spawned thread/process, you request connections from that pool. Threads should not share the same identical connection, because then threads can block each other from one of the major activities that threading is supposed to help with: IO. – Mr. F


Each child process creates its own db connections if it needs them (either individually or as a pool) – J.F. Sebastian.

"why use [db connections] pool" -- if there are multiple threads in your worker process then the pool might be useful (several threads can read/write data in parallel (CPython can release GIL during I/O)). If there is only one thread per worker process then there is no point to use the db pool. – J.F. Sebastian


这并没有完全回答我的第三个问题,但它确实提出了在某些情况下为每个进程创建一个连接是可行的 (Share connection to postgres db across processes in Python)

It's unclear what you're looking for here. 5 connections certainly isn't an issue. Are you saying you may eventually need to spawn 100s or 1000s of processes, each with their own connection? If so, even if you could share them, they'd be bound to the connection pool, since only one process could use a given connection at any given time. – khampson Sep 27 '14 at 5:19

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