python - 如何在文本文件中搜索用户输入的单词列表?

标签 python word-count word-frequency

我正在尝试使用 Python 3.4.1 制作一个简单的单词计数器程序,用户可以在其中输入逗号分隔的单词列表,然后在示例文本文件中分析这些单词的频率。



file = input("What file would you like to open? ")
f = open(file, 'r')
search = input("Enter the words you want to search for (separate with commas): ").lower().split(",")
search = [x.strip(' ') for x in search]
count = {}
for word in search:
    count[word] = count.get(word,0)+1
for word in sorted(count):
    print(word, count[word])


What file would you like to open? twelve_days_of_fast_food.txt
Enter the words you want to search for (separate with commas): first, rings, the
first 1
rings 1
the 1


file = input("What file would you like to open? ")
f = open(file, 'r')
lines = f.readlines()
line = f.readline()
word = line.split()
search = input("Enter the words you want to search for (separate with commas): ").lower().split(",")
search = [x.strip(' ') for x in search]
count = {}
for word in lines:
    if word in search:
        count[word] = count.get(word,0)+1
for word in sorted(count):
    print(word, count[word])


What file would you like to open? twelve_days_of_fast_food.txt
Enter the words you want to search for (separate with commas): first, the, rings



您首先读取所有行(进入,然后尝试仅读取一行,但文件已经为您提供了所有行。在这种情况下f. readline() 给你一个空行。从那里开始你的脚本注定会失败;你不能计算空行中的单词数。


file = input("What file would you like to open? ")

search = input("Enter the words you want to search for (separate with commas): ")
search = [word.strip() for word in search.lower().split(",")]

# create a dictionary for all search words, setting each count to 0
count = dict.fromkeys(search, 0)

with open(file, 'r') as f:
    for line in f:
        for word in line.lower().split():
            if word in count:
                # found a word you wanted to count, so count it
                count[word] += 1

with 语句使用打开的文件对象作为上下文管理器;这只是意味着完成后它将再次自动关闭。

for line in f: 循环迭代输入文件中的每个单独行;这比使用 f.readlines() 将所有行一次读入内存更有效。

我还稍微清理了您的搜索词剥离,并将 count 字典设置为 1,并将所有搜索词预定义为 0;这使得实际计数变得更容易。


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